Monday, October 9, 2017

10.5 and 10.9 Bell-ringer, Final Project, Grammar Exercise, Grammar Videos

10.5 Bell-ringer
Directions: Write the quote and then answer the question that follow.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King, Jr. 

1. What does this quote?
2. Do you agree?
3. When was a time when your friend's action or inaction harmed you more than the actions or words of your enemies?

10.9 Bell-ringer
Directions—Write the following sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The principal chastised the boy for not wearing appropriate clothing.

2. Her choleric sister can become angry about anything!

3. Though it appears she can talk to the dead and see the future, she isn’t clairvoyant.

4. Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.

5. Because his parents coddled him, Jake still acts like a baby.

The Outsiders: Final Project
Directions: Choose one of the options below. Each option is worth 50 points. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18. Each essay has to have at least five paragraphs.

1. Add a chapter to the book written from the point of view of Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop,  Mr. Syme, Jerry, nurse, track coach, reporter, judge, Cherry, Sandy, or Marcia. Give us some insights of what happened to various characters in the book after the book concluded. It can be set in the near future or 10, 15, 25 years into the future. At least five paragraphs.

2. Write a five paragraph essay defining the term “outsider” as related to the novel.  Express the alienation that leads to Ponyboy’s errors in judgment. Additionally, apply the word to two other characters (Darry, Dally, Johnny, Cherry, or Randy). Include supporting examples7from the novel.

3. Write a compare and contrast five paragraph essay relating the similarities and differences in the novel to the movie version. 

Directions: Determine if the sentence is compound or complex. 
21. Kids often teased Sally when she told her stories.
22. Before finding the lost coins, the children looked everywhere in the backyard.
23. Several parents were upset because the school day was shortened.
24. Although they shared a common language, they had difficulty understanding each other.
25. Lou and Zoe always stayed up late at night, yet they were awake early in the morning.
26. Cats and dogs can actually be good friends, yet they are often considered enemies.
27. Pop music can cheer up certain people, but my friend does not like it. 
28. Although the sky darkened, there was no rain.
29. Because the dog barked all night, the neighbors didn’t get any sleep.
30. The school closed for the summer, but we attended summer school.
31. Unless Shannon finds the right music, she will be unable to play in the concert.
32. If you wash the dishes tonight, I will clean the kitchen tomorrow.
33. Tyler is interested in becoming an engineer, so he will take high-level science classes.
34. Jenny carefully filled the baskets with treats for the children, but she had trouble finding the right snack.
35. The mascot, who represents our school basketball team, is extremely popular with the students.
36. The cheerleaders surrounded the team when they finished the cheer.
37. I love planting flowers in spring, and my friend enjoys harvesting her garden produce in the fall.
38. Upon the arrival of the guests, a singer, whose name was Miranda, made her way to the front of the group.
39. The concert was poorly attended since students were not allowed to go after midnight.
40. Even though the dessert was served with ice cream, the boys did not like it.

Below are some videos for those of you who need to retake parts of the grammar quiz. 
Identifying the subject-- click here 
Identifying the verb-- click here 
Independent and dependent clauses-- click here 
Simple and compound sentences-- click here 

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