Monday, October 16, 2017

10.16 Bell-ringer and Spelling Words

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the following sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. Using the glue stick, I cohered the two pieces of paper.

2. The collegian was in school at WVU for six years.

3. My young niece thought the dancing orangutan was comical.

4. I comingled the ingredients to make a smoothie.

5. The 120-degree angle complemented the 60-degree angle to make a 180-degree angle.

Spelling Words

1.       Utensils
2.       Pedestrian
3.       Artifact
4.       Miscellaneous
5.       Ancient
6.       Insufficient
7.       Extrovert
8.       Empathy
9.       Devise
10.   Desensitize
11.   Automatically
12.   Corporate
13.   Chaotic
14.   Acquaintance
15.   Ambulance

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