Monday, October 2, 2017

10.2-Bell-ringer, Discussion Questions, Spelling Words

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the sentences and then define the underlined word using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. When walking into the pet store, you are greeted by the birds’ cacophony, which can give anyone a headache.

2. Though it can sometimes offend people, Katie prefers being candid instead of lying.

3. The king passed a canon that all canaries must be put on leashes.

4. After being hit by a car, the carcass of the animal rotted on the road for days.

5. During Hurricane Sandy, parts of the Northeast were in total chaos.

 The Outsiders: Chapters 10-12 Discussion Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions on your own sheet of paper. Your answers should be in complete sentences. Make sure to follow all of the directions. Use text evidence five questions of your choosing.

1.      Why can’t Dally accept Johnny’s death? It is assumed that many people he has known have died—why does he react so passionately towards Johnny’s death?

2.      Does Dally want to die? Explain. Use evidence from the text (including the page numbers).

3.      On page 158, what item do we learn Johnny left for Ponyboy? Using evidence from the text, write down why Ponyboy did not want to finish the book.

4.      What thoughts are triggered in Ponyboy’s mind when he sees the picture of Bob in the yearbook? On what page(s) did you find this?

5.      What does Ponboy mean when he said, “I have quite a few friends at school […]. But that’s what they are—school friends, not buddies”? What is the difference?

6.      Who does Ponyboy tell Randy was the person who killed Bob? Do you think Ponyboy actually believe this? Why does he say this?

7.      On page 169, Ponyboy describes how he had changed. What are some of the things that Ponyboy started (or stopped) doing? Why did he stop eating? Why did he start thinking this?

8.      What does Ponyboy do with the broken bottle glass that makes Two-Bit know that Ponyboy will not get tough?

9.      What does Darry mean when he said, “you don’t stop living just because you lost someone”?

10.  What were the contents of Johnny’s letter to Ponyboy? What does he ask Ponyboy to tell Dally? Do you think this would have saved Dally?

11.  What is the subject of Ponyboy’s theme for his English class? How is the last line of the book related to the first line of the book? What does that mean the whole novel is?

1.    potato
2.    sufficient
3.    strategy
4.    relevant
5.    prescription
6.    persistent
7.    occurrence
8.    melancholy
9.    license
10.  knowledgeable
11.  government
12.  facetious
13.  disgruntled
14.  discipline
15.  bizarre

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