Tuesday, October 10, 2017

10.10- Bell-ringer and Grammar Activity

Bell-ringer: Write an original, descriptive sentence for the words below. Each sentence should be at least 10 words.

1. chastise- verb to discipline; to scold

2. choleric- adj. easily angered

3. clairvoyant- adj. having the ability to see the future and talk to the dead

4. clandestine-adj. secret

5. coddle- verb to treat like a baby

Determine if the sentence is compound, complex, or compound-complex.
21. Although I enjoy playing games, I did not like the new video game, so I read a book for an hour.
22. When my friends came to my house, we watched movies and ate popcorn.
23. This homework is too difficult for me because I don’t understand the background information.
24. Since it was a long weekend, we went to a party, and we also found time to shop.
25. Because we attended summer school, we did not join the baseball team, yet we still had plenty of time to swim.
26. My friends went to the party after they finished their work.
27. When the school year is almost over, we review grammar, and we write a note for the incoming class.
28. As soon as Caroline walked outside, dark clouds formed, and the wind blew strong sharp against her face.
29. Joey, who is one of the best spellers in the class, missed a tricky word in one of the first rounds of the spelling bee.
30. Before he placed first in the forensics competition, Sean rewrote parts of his speech, and he practiced in front of several different audiences.
31. Because we were already tired, we didn’t go to the game.
32. I find it relaxing to listen to quiet music after school, and I often wear headphones while I am studying.
33. Preeta found the crumpled paper in the garbage, but she knew it should have been saved.
34. My favorite cousin, who competes in marathons, lives in Seattle.
35. The birds were singing, but it was incredibly cold outside for spring.
36. Pack your bags, and we will be on our way to British Columbia for vacation.
37. If only they could see the results of their hard work, they would be so pleased with their progress.
38. Even though she was exhausted, Maria listened quietly to her friend’s story, and she thought carefully before speaking.
39. Max was worried when he realized his friend was not there.

40. Although all her friends encouraged her, Alice decided not to compete in the race. 

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