Tuesday, October 31, 2017

10.31- Bell-ringer and Activity

Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The dauntless dingo laughed in the face of fear.
2. Her debut performance was so incredible that no one believed it was her first show.
3. Wearing hats will be difficult for Marie now that she is decapitated.
4. The student deceived the teacher with an essay found online.

5. Dr. Stein’s accidental explosion decimated half of his lab.

Descriptive Sentences
Directions: Rework the boring sentences below creating sentences that use sensory details and create vivid pictures. 

Ex: Jeanie went to the finish line and won the race.
With burning calves and aching lungs, Jeanie emerged from the mess of tangled feet and thrown elbows to win the race.
1.     Dwight walked slowly down the hallway.

2.     “It’s your turn to wash the dishes!” Sandy said to her sister.

3.     Tina angrily took the diary from her brother.

4.     “Go to sleep, my little angel,” the new mother said to her baby.

5.     The fans cheered for the home team.

6.     There are nice tomatoes for sale today.

7.     The bride looked pretty in her wedding dress. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

10.30- Bell-ringer and Narrative Essay Prompt

Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The dauntless dingo laughed in the face of fear.
2. Her debut performance was so incredible that no one believed it was her first show.
3. Wearing hats will be difficult for Marie now that she is decapitated.
4. The student deceived the teacher with an essay found online.

5. Dr. Stein’s accidental explosion decimated half of his lab.

Narrative Writing
You will be creating a narrative essay. The purpose of a narrative essay is to tell a story.  Typically, a teacher will ask you to write a personal narrative essay or give you a specific prompt for your essay; I am not going to assign a topic. You will get to determine what your essay will be about and develop your own story. This story can be a personal narrative or this essay can be completely fictional. It is up to you. Regardless of the focus of your essay, it must be completely original—do not reproduce the same ideas from another published work. Must be at least 500 words, typed, 12-point font, double spaced and cannot exceed 1500 words.
Grade Breakdown:
·        Organizational Document—15 points
·        Rough Draft—15 points
·        Final Draft —50 points
·        Total —80 points
Organization-your essay starts with an interesting hook; one idea or scene follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions. There is an obvious plot structure.
Characters/Setting- Many vivid, descriptive words are used to tell when and where the story took place. Dynamic characters are fully developed.
Format- All formatting requirements (double-space, font size, dialogue, technical aspects) are met. The story includes correctly formatted dialogue.
Creativity-The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author uses sensory details, strong descriptive words, and figurative language. The author does not use any of the banned word.
Grammar/mechanics- The story contains no grammatical and mechanical errors

1.    Collaborate
2.    Attribute
3.    Questionable
4.    Nourish
5.    Substantial
6.    Abbreviate
7.    extraordinary
8.    magnificent
9.    compatible
10.  rationale
11.  catastrophe
12.  antihistamine
13.  immigrate
14.  hysterical
15.  asymmetrical

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

10.17- Bell-ringer and Final Project Prompt

October 17, 2017
Bell-ringer: Write an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences should be exceptionally descriptive. Your sentences should be at least ten words.

1. cohere- verb to stick together

2. collegian- noun college student

3. comical- adj. producing laughter

4. comingle- verb to mix together

5. complement- verb to make complete (one thing can complement another)

The Outsiders: Final Project
Directions: Choose one of the options below. Each option is worth 50 points. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18. All require five paragraphs. 

1. Add a chapter to the book written from the point of view of Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop,  Mr. Syme, Jerry, nurse, track coach, reporter, judge, Cherry, Sandy, or Marcia. Give us some insights of what happened to various characters in the book after the book concluded. It can be set in the near future or 10, 15, 25 years into the future.

2. Write a five paragraph essay defining the term “outsider” as related to the novel.  Express the alienation that leads to Ponyboy’s errors in judgment. Additionally, apply the word to two other characters (Darry, Dally, Johnny, Cherry, or Randy). Include supporting examples from the novel.

3. Write a compare and contrast five paragrap

Monday, October 16, 2017

10.16 Bell-ringer and Spelling Words

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the following sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. Using the glue stick, I cohered the two pieces of paper.

2. The collegian was in school at WVU for six years.

3. My young niece thought the dancing orangutan was comical.

4. I comingled the ingredients to make a smoothie.

5. The 120-degree angle complemented the 60-degree angle to make a 180-degree angle.

Spelling Words

1.       Utensils
2.       Pedestrian
3.       Artifact
4.       Miscellaneous
5.       Ancient
6.       Insufficient
7.       Extrovert
8.       Empathy
9.       Devise
10.   Desensitize
11.   Automatically
12.   Corporate
13.   Chaotic
14.   Acquaintance
15.   Ambulance

Friday, October 13, 2017

10.13- Bell-ringer

Bell-ringer: Solve the problem below. Show your work. Do not use a calculator.

Leonard wants to become a stuntman for the movies. He finds a great stuntman school online, and he applies and gets accepted. The only problem is that the school is in California, and Leonard doesn’t have a car or money for a plane ticket. It will cost him $2,000 to buy a car that gets 30 miles per gallon. The trip is 1200 miles and gas is $3.00/gallon. It is $2,500 for the plane ticket. Which one would be cheaper for him? 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

10.11- Bell-ringer and Grammar Notes

Bell-ringer: You are ¼ of the way through your last year of middle school (assuming you pass this year). A lot can happen in 9 weeks, but a lot more is still to come in the next 27 weeks. Answer the questions below using complete sentences.

1.     Reflect on the 1st 9 weeks; do you think you were successful? How did you determine that?

2.     If you could change one thing about the 1st 9 week, what would it be?

3.     Create a goal for the 2nd 9 weeks. It could be academic, athletic, attendance, social, etc.

4.     What steps will you take to achieve this goal?

 Grammar Notes
A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
The dependent clause(s) could come before, after, or in the middle of the independent clause.
If the dependent clause comes before the independent clause, it must be followed by a comma.
If the dependent clause interrupts the independent clause, it usually is surrounded by commas. 
A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. 
Cd= I + , + c + I
Cd= I + ; + I
Cx= d + , + I
Cx= I + d
Cx= Ia + , + d + , + Ib

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

10.10- Bell-ringer and Grammar Activity

Bell-ringer: Write an original, descriptive sentence for the words below. Each sentence should be at least 10 words.

1. chastise- verb to discipline; to scold

2. choleric- adj. easily angered

3. clairvoyant- adj. having the ability to see the future and talk to the dead

4. clandestine-adj. secret

5. coddle- verb to treat like a baby

Determine if the sentence is compound, complex, or compound-complex.
21. Although I enjoy playing games, I did not like the new video game, so I read a book for an hour.
22. When my friends came to my house, we watched movies and ate popcorn.
23. This homework is too difficult for me because I don’t understand the background information.
24. Since it was a long weekend, we went to a party, and we also found time to shop.
25. Because we attended summer school, we did not join the baseball team, yet we still had plenty of time to swim.
26. My friends went to the party after they finished their work.
27. When the school year is almost over, we review grammar, and we write a note for the incoming class.
28. As soon as Caroline walked outside, dark clouds formed, and the wind blew strong sharp against her face.
29. Joey, who is one of the best spellers in the class, missed a tricky word in one of the first rounds of the spelling bee.
30. Before he placed first in the forensics competition, Sean rewrote parts of his speech, and he practiced in front of several different audiences.
31. Because we were already tired, we didn’t go to the game.
32. I find it relaxing to listen to quiet music after school, and I often wear headphones while I am studying.
33. Preeta found the crumpled paper in the garbage, but she knew it should have been saved.
34. My favorite cousin, who competes in marathons, lives in Seattle.
35. The birds were singing, but it was incredibly cold outside for spring.
36. Pack your bags, and we will be on our way to British Columbia for vacation.
37. If only they could see the results of their hard work, they would be so pleased with their progress.
38. Even though she was exhausted, Maria listened quietly to her friend’s story, and she thought carefully before speaking.
39. Max was worried when he realized his friend was not there.

40. Although all her friends encouraged her, Alice decided not to compete in the race. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

10.5 and 10.9 Bell-ringer, Final Project, Grammar Exercise, Grammar Videos

10.5 Bell-ringer
Directions: Write the quote and then answer the question that follow.
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King, Jr. 

1. What does this quote?
2. Do you agree?
3. When was a time when your friend's action or inaction harmed you more than the actions or words of your enemies?

10.9 Bell-ringer
Directions—Write the following sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The principal chastised the boy for not wearing appropriate clothing.

2. Her choleric sister can become angry about anything!

3. Though it appears she can talk to the dead and see the future, she isn’t clairvoyant.

4. Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.

5. Because his parents coddled him, Jake still acts like a baby.

The Outsiders: Final Project
Directions: Choose one of the options below. Each option is worth 50 points. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18. Each essay has to have at least five paragraphs.

1. Add a chapter to the book written from the point of view of Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop,  Mr. Syme, Jerry, nurse, track coach, reporter, judge, Cherry, Sandy, or Marcia. Give us some insights of what happened to various characters in the book after the book concluded. It can be set in the near future or 10, 15, 25 years into the future. At least five paragraphs.

2. Write a five paragraph essay defining the term “outsider” as related to the novel.  Express the alienation that leads to Ponyboy’s errors in judgment. Additionally, apply the word to two other characters (Darry, Dally, Johnny, Cherry, or Randy). Include supporting examples7from the novel.

3. Write a compare and contrast five paragraph essay relating the similarities and differences in the novel to the movie version. 

Directions: Determine if the sentence is compound or complex. 
21. Kids often teased Sally when she told her stories.
22. Before finding the lost coins, the children looked everywhere in the backyard.
23. Several parents were upset because the school day was shortened.
24. Although they shared a common language, they had difficulty understanding each other.
25. Lou and Zoe always stayed up late at night, yet they were awake early in the morning.
26. Cats and dogs can actually be good friends, yet they are often considered enemies.
27. Pop music can cheer up certain people, but my friend does not like it. 
28. Although the sky darkened, there was no rain.
29. Because the dog barked all night, the neighbors didn’t get any sleep.
30. The school closed for the summer, but we attended summer school.
31. Unless Shannon finds the right music, she will be unable to play in the concert.
32. If you wash the dishes tonight, I will clean the kitchen tomorrow.
33. Tyler is interested in becoming an engineer, so he will take high-level science classes.
34. Jenny carefully filled the baskets with treats for the children, but she had trouble finding the right snack.
35. The mascot, who represents our school basketball team, is extremely popular with the students.
36. The cheerleaders surrounded the team when they finished the cheer.
37. I love planting flowers in spring, and my friend enjoys harvesting her garden produce in the fall.
38. Upon the arrival of the guests, a singer, whose name was Miranda, made her way to the front of the group.
39. The concert was poorly attended since students were not allowed to go after midnight.
40. Even though the dessert was served with ice cream, the boys did not like it.

Below are some videos for those of you who need to retake parts of the grammar quiz. 
Identifying the subject-- click here 
Identifying the verb-- click here 
Independent and dependent clauses-- click here 
Simple and compound sentences-- click here 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10.4- Bell-ringer

Bell-ringer: Directions—rewrite the following sentences correctly. Check for spelling, grammar, and mechanical errors.

1.     Their is going to be problems with alexa and Trish.
2.     Its a good thing he brought you’re book, you where going to be in trouble.
3.     Were is the closest bathroom?
4.     I kinda, sorta, haveta go.

5.     You should of gone befor we left cause we wanna get their. 

10.3- Bell-ringer and Final Project

Directions: Write a sentence for each of the words below. Make sure your sentences are at least ten words and use the words correctly.

1. Cacophony- noun a harsh and meaningless mixture of sounds

2. Candid-adj.  outspokenly honest

3. Canon- noun a rule or law

4. Carcass- noun the dead body of an animal

5. Chaos- noun a state of complete confusion or disorder (chaotic-adj. form)

The Outsiders: Final Project
Directions: Choose one of the options below. Each option is worth 50 points. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18.

1. Add a chapter to the book written from the point of view of Ponyboy, Darry, Sodapop,  Mr. Syme, Jerry, nurse, track coach, reporter, judge, Cherry, Sandy, or Marcia. Give us some insights of what happened to various characters in the book after the book concluded. It can be set in the near future or 10, 15, 25 years into the future.

2. Write a five paragraph essay defining the term “outsider” as related to the novel.  Express the alienation that leads to Ponyboy’s errors in judgment. Additionally, apply the word to two other characters (Darry, Dally, Johnny, Cherry, or Randy). Include supporting examples from the novel.

3. Write a compare and contrast five paragraph essay relating the similarities and differences in the novel to the movie version. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

10.2-Bell-ringer, Discussion Questions, Spelling Words

Bell-ringer: Directions—Write the sentences and then define the underlined word using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. When walking into the pet store, you are greeted by the birds’ cacophony, which can give anyone a headache.

2. Though it can sometimes offend people, Katie prefers being candid instead of lying.

3. The king passed a canon that all canaries must be put on leashes.

4. After being hit by a car, the carcass of the animal rotted on the road for days.

5. During Hurricane Sandy, parts of the Northeast were in total chaos.

 The Outsiders: Chapters 10-12 Discussion Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions on your own sheet of paper. Your answers should be in complete sentences. Make sure to follow all of the directions. Use text evidence five questions of your choosing.

1.      Why can’t Dally accept Johnny’s death? It is assumed that many people he has known have died—why does he react so passionately towards Johnny’s death?

2.      Does Dally want to die? Explain. Use evidence from the text (including the page numbers).

3.      On page 158, what item do we learn Johnny left for Ponyboy? Using evidence from the text, write down why Ponyboy did not want to finish the book.

4.      What thoughts are triggered in Ponyboy’s mind when he sees the picture of Bob in the yearbook? On what page(s) did you find this?

5.      What does Ponboy mean when he said, “I have quite a few friends at school […]. But that’s what they are—school friends, not buddies”? What is the difference?

6.      Who does Ponyboy tell Randy was the person who killed Bob? Do you think Ponyboy actually believe this? Why does he say this?

7.      On page 169, Ponyboy describes how he had changed. What are some of the things that Ponyboy started (or stopped) doing? Why did he stop eating? Why did he start thinking this?

8.      What does Ponyboy do with the broken bottle glass that makes Two-Bit know that Ponyboy will not get tough?

9.      What does Darry mean when he said, “you don’t stop living just because you lost someone”?

10.  What were the contents of Johnny’s letter to Ponyboy? What does he ask Ponyboy to tell Dally? Do you think this would have saved Dally?

11.  What is the subject of Ponyboy’s theme for his English class? How is the last line of the book related to the first line of the book? What does that mean the whole novel is?

1.    potato
2.    sufficient
3.    strategy
4.    relevant
5.    prescription
6.    persistent
7.    occurrence
8.    melancholy
9.    license
10.  knowledgeable
11.  government
12.  facetious
13.  disgruntled
14.  discipline
15.  bizarre