Friday, April 21, 2017

Research Project: Outline

Research Project: Outline

Hook: Create the hook for your essay. Even though this is an informative essay, it still needs to have a hook. You have written enough hooks this year to know what to do.

Thesis: Your thesis needs to mention the topic (your country) and three main points from your essay. Example: Honduras is a beautiful country with a rich history, lush countryside, and a dynamic society.

For the next five sections, you will be writing your topic sentence and then the details you will be including in that section of the essay. You may include more than three details in each section. Each section can be more than one paragraph, as long as it is organized.

  1. History: Example: Though a fairly young country, Honduras has had many events throughout its history that has shaped it into what it is today.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  2. Geography: Example: The geography of Honduras is diverse and provides many opportunities for thrill seekers and explorers, alike.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  3. Society: Example: Much like its geography, the people of Honduras are also diverse with a rich background of culture.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  4. Government: Example: Though mired by corruption and backdoor dealings, Honduras claims to have a functioning democracy.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  5. Current Events: Example: Within the past several years, Honduras has experienced much political and social unrest.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail

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