Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Budget Simulation #6

Write "Part VI: Miscellaneous"

Under that, write "Remaining Funds:" and then write down how much of your monthly net you have left. Subtract all of your costs (house payment, car payment, bills, insurance) from your monthly net.

Under that, write "Entertainment:" and write down how much you expect to spend on entertainment (going to the movies, going to games, paintball, laser tag, etc...") in a month.

Under that, write "Clothing:" and write down how much you expect to spend on clothing in a month

Under that, write "Pets:" and write down what the pet is and its total cost. Then write down how much you will be spending on a pet per month. This includes the food, the purchase price of the animal (divide that by 12), and expected vet bills (divide that over 12 months, too).

Under that, write "Extras:" if there are any extra toys that you want to buy, then write what they are and how much they cost. Then divide the total cost of your "toys" and divide it by 12.

Under that, write "Part VII: Savings"

Under that write, "Saved per month:" and write the amount of money you will be saving each month. This should be the remainder of your money after subtracting all of your costs from your monthly net.

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