Thursday, April 13, 2017

ELA 1/2, 3/8 Research Project: Guiding Questions

Find the answers to these guiding questions for your research project. Make sure to write down where you got each answer. Write down the name of the website, the URL, the author, and the date is was published.

1. How was this country founded?
2. What are some significant events from the country's past?
3. Has your country been involved with any wars?

1. What is the land mass of your country?
2. What are the major geographic formations?
3. What does this country border?
4. What are the important natural resources?

1. What is the population?
2. What is the ethnicity of the population?
3. What religion do they belong to?

1. What type of government does the country have?
2. What is the definition of that type of government?
3. Who is the leader of the government?

Current Events:
1. What is currently in the news domestically?
2. Is the country involved with anything overseas?

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