Friday, April 7, 2017

Budget Day 5

Below Part IV, write "Part V: Food"

Below that, write "Remaining Funds:" and then determine how much funds you have by subtracting your house costs, car costs, and bills from your monthly net. You should have already done this yesterday.

Below that, write "Weekly Food Budget:" and then write down how much you believe you will need for food.

Below that, write "Weekly Menu:" Write down your plans for EVERY meal for EACH day of one week. Be realistic. You will probably go out to eat at some point; decide where you will go and what you will order. Write down that cost. You will also buy groceries. Write down the groceries you will need for the entire week, including the cost.

Below that, write "Total Food Costs:" and then write down how much all of your food will cost for the week. Add together all of your groceries and the money it will cost to eat out.

Once you have completed that, work on IXL. You should work on any eighth grade standard.

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