Friday, April 21, 2017

Research Project: Outline

Research Project: Outline

Hook: Create the hook for your essay. Even though this is an informative essay, it still needs to have a hook. You have written enough hooks this year to know what to do.

Thesis: Your thesis needs to mention the topic (your country) and three main points from your essay. Example: Honduras is a beautiful country with a rich history, lush countryside, and a dynamic society.

For the next five sections, you will be writing your topic sentence and then the details you will be including in that section of the essay. You may include more than three details in each section. Each section can be more than one paragraph, as long as it is organized.

  1. History: Example: Though a fairly young country, Honduras has had many events throughout its history that has shaped it into what it is today.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  2. Geography: Example: The geography of Honduras is diverse and provides many opportunities for thrill seekers and explorers, alike.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  3. Society: Example: Much like its geography, the people of Honduras are also diverse with a rich background of culture.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  4. Government: Example: Though mired by corruption and backdoor dealings, Honduras claims to have a functioning democracy.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail
  5. Current Events: Example: Within the past several years, Honduras has experienced much political and social unrest.
    1. Detail
    2. Detail
    3. Detail

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

ELA Exercises

Complete the three exercises below. They are on a variety of topics. Take your time.

Fused Sentences and Comma Splices--click here 

Fragments-- click here 

Irregular Verbs-- click here 

ELA Honors- Parallel Structure

Click on the link and then choose the parallel structure presentation. Review this presentation, then complete the exercise.

Presentation--click here
Exercise--click here and click here

Thursday, April 13, 2017

ELA 1/2, 3/8 Research Project: Guiding Questions

Find the answers to these guiding questions for your research project. Make sure to write down where you got each answer. Write down the name of the website, the URL, the author, and the date is was published.

1. How was this country founded?
2. What are some significant events from the country's past?
3. Has your country been involved with any wars?

1. What is the land mass of your country?
2. What are the major geographic formations?
3. What does this country border?
4. What are the important natural resources?

1. What is the population?
2. What is the ethnicity of the population?
3. What religion do they belong to?

1. What type of government does the country have?
2. What is the definition of that type of government?
3. Who is the leader of the government?

Current Events:
1. What is currently in the news domestically?
2. Is the country involved with anything overseas?

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Budget Simulation #6

Write "Part VI: Miscellaneous"

Under that, write "Remaining Funds:" and then write down how much of your monthly net you have left. Subtract all of your costs (house payment, car payment, bills, insurance) from your monthly net.

Under that, write "Entertainment:" and write down how much you expect to spend on entertainment (going to the movies, going to games, paintball, laser tag, etc...") in a month.

Under that, write "Clothing:" and write down how much you expect to spend on clothing in a month

Under that, write "Pets:" and write down what the pet is and its total cost. Then write down how much you will be spending on a pet per month. This includes the food, the purchase price of the animal (divide that by 12), and expected vet bills (divide that over 12 months, too).

Under that, write "Extras:" if there are any extra toys that you want to buy, then write what they are and how much they cost. Then divide the total cost of your "toys" and divide it by 12.

Under that, write "Part VII: Savings"

Under that write, "Saved per month:" and write the amount of money you will be saving each month. This should be the remainder of your money after subtracting all of your costs from your monthly net.

Agreement Assessment

Subject-Verb--click here
Pronoun Agreement-- click here

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

Budget Day 5

Below Part IV, write "Part V: Food"

Below that, write "Remaining Funds:" and then determine how much funds you have by subtracting your house costs, car costs, and bills from your monthly net. You should have already done this yesterday.

Below that, write "Weekly Food Budget:" and then write down how much you believe you will need for food.

Below that, write "Weekly Menu:" Write down your plans for EVERY meal for EACH day of one week. Be realistic. You will probably go out to eat at some point; decide where you will go and what you will order. Write down that cost. You will also buy groceries. Write down the groceries you will need for the entire week, including the cost.

Below that, write "Total Food Costs:" and then write down how much all of your food will cost for the week. Add together all of your groceries and the money it will cost to eat out.

Once you have completed that, work on IXL. You should work on any eighth grade standard.


Today, you will be starting a new EverFi project that we will be working on throughout the rest of the term. This one is MUCH easier to do.

Go to and login into your profile. If you forget your information, politely ask Mr. Spivy for it.

In the top right corner, type this code: 45aa945f

You will be completing the Venture class. 

ELA- 4.7

If you have completed the GSA practice(s) for today, the do the exercises below:

Subject-Verb Agreement- click here
Pronoun Agreement- click here

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Budget Simulation Day #4

Write "Part IV: Bills"

Below that write "Remaining Funds:" then subtract how much you will be paying for your house and car each month from what you take home from your job each month. 

Below that write "Electric:" and then determine what your estimated electric bill will be for the size of your house or apartment.

Below that write "Water:" and write down the estimated water bill for your housing. 

Determine if you will be buying cable and internet. If so, write "Cable/Internet:" and then shop around for the best price. 

Determine if you will have a cell phone. If so, write "Phone:" and then show around for the best price.

Below that, write "Car Insurance:" and shop around for the best car insurance

Below that, write "Funds after bills:" and write down how much of your remaining funds are left after subtracting the bills.