Monday, November 16, 2015

Commercial and Debate

Today's Tasks
1. Commercial: Directions – Create a 60-second commercial advertising your candidate. This commercial should focus on persuading undecided voters to vote for your candidate. This can be done using any combination of ethos, pathos, and logos arguments. Since this is a political campaign, the commercials can either be positive (highlighting your candidate's accomplishments and ideas), negative (attacking another candidate), or a mixture of both.  You will be turning in a storyboard, script, and final product. Your final product can either be a recorded commercial or one that is performed in class. Since the candidates are fictitious, anyone in the group can portray the candidate for the commercial.

1. Script – Description of what is happening (stage directions) in the commercial and what is said by the actors.
2. Final product – Your final product can either by a 60 second video or live action skit in class.

How you will be graded:
Script: 20 points
Requirements: 10 points
Persuasiveness: 10 points
Creativity: 10 points
Final: 50 points

Due Wednesday!

1. On Tuesday, there will be a presidential debate in class. Each group will select one person to play the part of the presidential candidate. This person will give a 30-second opening comments that describes who s/he is as a candidate and how s/he will make America better. Then the moderator (Mr. Spivy) will ask each candidate a variety of questions. If a the candidate mentions another candidate, then that candidate will receive a chance to defend him/herself. 

Below are a list of questions that might be asked of the candidates. Each candidate can bring up notes to reference, so it would be wise to write down answer to the questions below. 

You will be graded on how well each question is answered using sound logic (no logical fallacies) and if the answers match up with what your candidate believes. This will be worth 30 points. 

1.       What is the best solution for an unwanted pregnancy?
2.       The rate of joblessness has dropped since the beginning of the Obama Administration; what will you do as president to continue this trend?
3.       If you could do one thing as president to assist the economy, what would that be?
4.       The environment in Washington has been toxic for nearly a decade with political parties typically choosing to argue with one another instead of trying to work together. This has led to the shutdown of the government multiple times. How can you as a president help improve the climate of Washington?
5.       How do your propose to balance the budget? Will this be a priority of your administration?
6.        At what point do you believe America should send troops to abroad to fight ISIS?
7.       Within the past two years, the amount of school shootings have multiplied; what is your solution to this problem?
8.       There are parts of Obamacare that have helped many people pay for healthcare that could not afford it before; there are other parts of Obamacare that are hurting the economy and making health insurance unaffordable for many Americans. Is there anything you would do to Obamacare as president? 
9.       What is your solution for the illegal immigration problem?
10.   Would you reform the welfare program?
11.   What would you do within the first year of your presidency? What does America look like when you are president?
12. What is your response to the attacks in Paris on Friday? 

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