Thursday, November 5, 2015

Campaign Day #2

Today’s Tasks

1.      If you did not finish step #2 from yesterday, that must be done today.

2.      If you did not create a slogan yesterday, that must be done today.

3.      Finish the rough drafts for your campaign signs. Use the direction from yesterday. If you finish the rough drafts, alert Mr. Spivy so that you can begin working on your final signs. Rough drafts are due today.

4.      Create a press release (short newspaper article) announcing your candidate’s decision to run for president. This press release should include who your candidate is, what s/he believes in (do not include every single belief), and why s/he would be the best person to be elected president-due tomorrow.

5.      On Monday, each group will give a speech announcing your candidate’s decision to run for president. One person in your group will assume the role of the candidate to give this speech (using I, me, we, us). This speech needs to announce to the country why your candidate is running for president, why they would be the best choice, and what makes them qualified. Use all three types of arguments that were discussed in class (logos, pathos, ethos). Research other presidential announcement speeches to help give you an idea where to start. This speech needs to be at least one minute and thirty seconds.

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