Monday, November 2, 2015

Campaign Project and Contract

Project description:

Congratulations! Your team (table) has been selected to run the campaign for a fictitious presidential candidate. During this campaign, you will be creating campaign signs/posters, political cartoons, speeches, newspaper articles, slogans, and commercials.

You will be employing the different powers of persuasion to convince the American public to vote for your candidate. You will have to tackle issues like immigration, gun control, healthcare, and abortion rights (and, maybe, even have to fight for a position that you do not believe in).

Each day, your team will be given specific tasks that have to be accomplished. If these objectives are not met, then your team could suffer (academically) or you could even be fired. The candidates expects perfection or at least as close to perfection as you can get.

Tomorrow, you will be getting to know the five candidates and then decide which candidate your team will be representing.

Since you are entering into a business agreement with the people in your team, you need to create a binding contract.

Click on the link below to receive instruction on how to create this contract.

click here!

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