Monday, November 9, 2015

Campaign Day #4

Today’s Tasks:
#1- Finish your announcement speech. Practice this speech in front of another person in your group. Time the speech to make sure it is at least a minute and a half. Make sure that your speech uses logos, pathos, and ethos while avoiding logical fallacies (refer to the board for assistance)- due today during class. Follow the ten steps provided in this website  

#2- If Mr. Spivy has approved your campaign posters’ rough drafts, then create your final campaign posters. Mr. Spivy will provide you with the correct paper and color pencils if you do not already have them- due Friday.

#3- Write two newspaper articles detailing your candidate’s stance on abortion, immigration, or gun control (choose two out of the three). Research the topic before you begin writing so that you have facts to back up your claims. Your articles will be three paragraphs long. The first paragraph should introduce the topic (provide general information or maybe a brief history). The second paragraph should detail your candidate’s views on this topic and why s/he holds these views. The third paragraph should describe the views of at least one other candidate and why your candidate believes that person is wrong. Do not use phrases like “I think” or “I believe” because it makes your argument weak- due Friday. 

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