Tuesday, April 29, 2014

NIGHT Chap. 2 & 3 Questions

Night: Chapters 2 and 3 Discussion Questions
1.       Describe the conditions in the cattle car. Your description should appeal to all five senses: sight, smell, hear, taste, and touch.
2.       “The train stopped in […] small town on the Czechoslovakian border. […] We realized then that we were not staying in Hungary. Our eyes opened. Too late.” Night, pg. 23
What does Elie mean when he says that their eyes opened? Where did they hope they would be going?
3.       Describe Mrs. Schächter. Describe the progression of treatment towards her by the other Jews. Was their treatment of her justifiable? Describe her son. How does he change?
4.       Do you believe Mrs. Schächter was insane, having a vision of what was to come, or hallucinating? Could there be another explanation?
5.       Describe Elie’s description of being separated from his mother and sisters. Why do you think he only mentions Tzipora by name? He had two other sisters.
6.       On page 31, Elie describes the younger Jews rallying support for a revolt. Who puts an end to these thoughts? Why did they not go through with the idea?
7.       Why does Elie’s father tell his son he wished he had gone with his mother? What would have happened to Elie had he gone with his mother?
8.       Give a description of Elie’s first day in Auschwitz.
9.       Why did Elie lie to Stein? Was his lie justifiable? When did Stein stop visiting?
10.   Elie talks about how his faith and his God were killed the first night in Auschwitz. Even still, he prays, sings hymns, and discusses his faith. How can he talk about losing his faith and still act like he has not lost it?

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