Monday, April 21, 2014

Bell-ringer and Acuity

Bell-ringer: Write the following sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.      Our city council created a mandate that all cats must be kept on leashes.
2.      Chairs flew, girls screeched, and boys fought in the mania called a classroom.
3.      At the end of the Civil War, the South was forced to manumit their slaves.
4.      We are afraid that the maritime cities will be flooded by the rising sea.
5.      Never seeing the ocean before, George was marveled by the vast waters.

1. Finish the bell-ringer
2. Take the 3rd Benchmark Acuity; username is 9600#, password is first letter of the first name and the first four letters of your last name--do the best you can. I may give bonus points. Here
3. Make sure to show Mr. Spivy your score. 
4. Do the second set of vocabulary words for The Diary of Anne Frank. You will only have to write the word, the definition, an original sentence, and picture for this set. The words are below. Due Wednesday.

1.      Inarticulate- adj. unable to express oneself
2.       Apprehension- noun a fearful feeling about what will happen next
3.       Intuition- noun ability to sense immediately, without reasoning
4.       Indignant- adj. filled with anger at meanness or injustice
5.       Stealthily- adv. in a secretive way
6.       Ineffectually- adv. without producing the desired results

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