Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Night Bell-ringer and Journal Entry #3

April 28, 2014
Bell-ringer: You do not have to write the sentences or the definition for each word. Instead, create your own sentences using the underlined words. Each sentence should be at least ten words long.
1.     The dentist needed to extract the infected tooth before replacing it with a gold facsimile.
2.     The sanctity of God is frequently questioned when bad things happen to good people.
3.     Your persistent defiance to authority has not gone unnoticed.
4.     At the 10 year anniversary, the former students reminisced on the good days from high school.
5.     Willful stupidity makes Mr. Spivy absolutely livid.  

Journal Entry #3
Write a response to one of the following prompts. This should be kept separate from your bell-ringers.
Option #1: Eliezer poses a profound question: “How was it possible that men, women, and children were being burned and that the world kept silent?” If confronted with this question, how would you answer?
Option #2: Elie tells a lie to his relative, Stein, because he believed it was more helpful to lie than to cause Stein pain with the truth. Is lying ever acceptable? How does one judge when a lie is beneficial? Give an example from your own experience.

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