Friday, August 18, 2017

Bell-ringer and Activity 8.18


Many times, it requires skills learned in different subjects to solve everyday problems. Each Friday, you will be presented with a math problem that requires you to read information and use the information to create an equation. You will not be required to write the prompt; simply, create and then solve the equation. Show your work. No calculator.

Compare different pay scales. Decide if it is better to receive $300 a week or to be paid hourly at a rate of $7.50 per hour. What other information is needed to make the decision between the two pay scales? Assume you work 40 hours/week; which pay would you choose? Assume you only worked 20 hours/week; which pay would you choose then? Why?

Show your work. 

Name Mini Research Project
Directions: Answer the questions below using complete sentences. To help you answer the questions, research possible answers online. Write the simple URL ( beside your answer. Use the most reliable site; understand that .gov, .edu, and .org are more reliable than .com and .net. Do not use any website that has “wiki” in the name.

  1. When and where were last names first used?
  2. Why were last names first used?
  3. What is a patronymic last name? Write three examples of a patronymic last name.
  4. What is a locative last name? Write three examples of a locative last name?
  5. What is an occupational or status last name? Write three examples of these.
  6. What is a nickname last name? Write three examples of a nickname last name.
  7. What is the most common last name in the United States? What type of last name is it (patronymic, locative, occupational, or nickname)?
  8. What is the origin of the use of middle names?
  9. What is the most common male first name in the United States? What is the most common female first name in the United States?
  10. What is the most common male first name in the world? What is the most common female first name in the world?

Your Name Meaning

Now that you have researched the history of names, it is now time to figure out the meaning of your name (first, middle, and last… hopefully). The question below will help guide you as you research the meaning and history of your name.  Use for many of your answers. Your answers for this assignment DO NOT have to be complete sentences--but make them complete enough.

  1. What is the meaning of your first name? Middle name(s)? Find a creative way to put the different meanings together. If you cannot find your name, then try to find a name that is either a variant of your name or a name that is close to your name. Be prepared for this to take you down a long and windy road.
  2. What is the origin of your names (first and middle[s])? Basically, from what country did your name first originate?
  3. What is the meaning of your last name? This one may require more research.
  4. From where did your last name originate?
  5. Who are some notable people from the past (and present) and literary characters (from books, movies, plays, etc.) who share a name with you? Describe who some of these people were.

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