Wednesday, August 23, 2017

8.23 Bell-ringer and Activity

Directions: Correctly write these incorrect sentences. If the group of words is a sentence fragment, add words to turn it into a sentence.

1.     Even though I has a bizzey day, I still wanna go to the movies to night.

2.     Because she should of been there.

3.     well be going to Toms birthday party on tuesday

4.     What time we gonna go to the grocery store?

5.     Leslie were mad cause, I stoled her cellphone.

Activity for today

1. Periods 1/7, 2/6, and 3/8, finish reading the gang related articles. If the article you started with yesterday is not on your table, then find it on another table. The questions are below. Finish all of the questions today. 
2. Everyone, finish your name research and identity project cover sheet. Directions for that are on Monday's post. 

3. Period 5, if you finish today's work, read one of the articles found on your table. 

4. Everyone, when you have completed EVERYTHING, then you may independently read. 

5. 8th Period! Make sure all of the ipads are returned and plugged in before you leave class. Thanks!

Be good today for the sub. If there is a drill, you know what to do. Help the sub out. 
Do good things. Make me proud. 

Article questions:
1.       What is the title of the article? (Use correct punctuation—put the title of the article in quotations.)
2.       Who is the author?
3.       Write a twenty-word (exactly) summary. (Complete sentences)
4.       What was most interesting about the article? (Complete sentences; restate the question)
5.       Who would benefit most from the information found in the article? Explain.(CS; RQ)
6.       What can be learned about gangs from this article? (CS;RQ)
7.       Each article includes some violence—how did this violence originate? If this is not explicitly stated in the article, make an inference. (CS;RQ)
8.       Using the information you have been given, describe why a person might join a gang? What are the benefits? What is the downside of membership in a gang? (CS;RQ)
9.       Write down the strongest sentence from the article (most descriptive, strongest verbs).
10.   Assume the editor wants to include an image with this article—what type of image would be best for this article? (CS;RQ)

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