Friday, August 25, 2017

8.25- Bell-ringer and Vocabulary Squares

Why do you believe you have to study reading/language arts in school?

To answer this question, write at least one sentence for each part of reading/language arts: reading, writing, grammar, speaking, and research.

The Outsiders: Vocabulary Squares 

For each of the vocabulary words, you will need to write the word and definition in the top left corner, an original sentence using the word in the top right corner, a pictorial representation of the word in the bottom left corner, and a synonym and antonym of the word in the bottom right corner.  These will be due on Wednesday. 

1.)     Incredulous- adj. showing disbelief
2.)     Aloofness- noun the state of being cold, disinterested, or uncaring         (adj.-aloof)
3.)     Smoldering-adj./ verb to display bottled-up feelings of anger
4.)     Contemptuous- adj. showing disdain (disgust, hatred)
5.)     Nonchalantly- adv. Done in an uncaring way
6.)     Unceasingly- adv. done without a perceivable end
7.)     Rueful- adj. causing sorrow or pity
8.)     Gallant- adj. brave, noble, chivalrous

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