Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Math Enrichment-Web Quest 3


If you did not finish yesterday's activity, then finish it first. 

Tables and graphs are commonly used to summarize sports statistics. Standings for teams and leagues are often summarized in tables, and historical data about a sport or event is often summarized in graphs.

  1. Choose a country and collect historical data on this country’s Olympic performances.  If you chose the United States (which you cannot), then you would collect data on how many participants the US has had throughout the history of the Olympics and how many of each metal (gold, silver, and bronze). You must choose a country that has participated in the last ten Olympics and has at least fifteen metals (total). 
  2. Decide which type of graph is appropriate for summarizing your data.
  3. Graph your Olympic data. 

When you are finished, you may play Math games online. 

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