Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Math Enrichment- October 18

Bell-ringer: Solve the two-step equations

1. 3p + 2 = 5

2. 6g - 8 = 16
3. You bought a magazine for $5 and four erasers. You spent a total of $25. How much did each eraser cost?


One of the major ways that you will use math throughout your life is when dealing with money. For the next week, we will be working on an online project. For this, you will need to follow the directions to register for this project. 

1. Go to www.everfi.net/register

2. Click on "Register"
3. Your registration code is 4e464e14
4. Follow the instructions.  Make sure that you write down your login information for this website!
5. You will be completing the "FutureSmart" activity. 

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