Tuesday, October 18, 2016

ELA- October 18

Write an original sentence for each of the underlined words in yesterday's bell-ringer. Your sentences should be at least ten words long, descriptive, and creative.

1. Continue typing your essay. Today and tomorrow will be the last two days that we are typing them in class.

2. When you are finished, check out the rubric for the essay found here. I will be using this rubric to grade your essays. Read your essay  with this rubric in mind.

3. Look for any run-on sentences or fragments. Look for any issues with capitalization. These are the grammatical and mechanical areas that I will hit you the hardest when grading.

4. Ensure that your document is double-spaced, uses 12-point (normal) font, and does not have an extra space between the paragraphs. If you forget how to format your essay correctly, then ask Mr. Spivy.

5. If you believe you are ready to print, then speak with Mr. Spivy first.

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