Monday, October 31, 2016

Math Enrichment- 10.31

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 7th grade, then scroll down to where it says "Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities."If you have already completed all of the skill sets under this heading, then move on to the next. 
5. Complete all the skills under this heading. If you receive a 90 for any skill, then move on to the next. If you receive less than a 90, continue working on this skill. 
6. Mr. Spivy is able to see what you are doing from his computer, so do not try to work on something that is not assigned to you. You will lose participation points for the day. 

STEM- 10.31

Solve the mystery--
A man builds a large fortifying structure to keep out his neighbors. However, the man is not able to complete his project and his successors continue it. By the time it is finished, it can be seen from space. Where is this structure?


Continue the activities on

This is for a grade, so do it correctly.

English- 10.31

Political Campaign Tasks--click here

Grammar Pre-test: Nouns and Pronouns-- click here

Thursday, October 27, 2016

STEM- October 27

Bell-ringer: Solve the problems below.

1. Richard has $720.00. cards cost $9.00 each. marbles cost $17.00 each. How many cards can Richard buy?

2. Terry earns $6.00 per hour working. He wants to earn $8.00 to buy bananas. If Terry worked for 20 hours, how much money did he earn?


1. Continue working on
2. Mr. Spivy receives reports of what you have done. These reports will be used as a grade for this class, so do your best.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

STEM- October 26

Bell-ringer: Solve the mystery

An ordinary American citizen, with a clean police record but no passport, managed to visit over thirty foreign countries. He was welcomed in each country, and left each one of his own accord. He did this in one day.

2. If you have not created an account, use the directions from last Friday to do so. 
3. If you already have an account, continue working on "FutureGoals"
4. Mr. Spivy can see the grade that you receive for each module. If you scored lower than a 70, then you will receive an X and have to retake the assessment. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Math Enrichment- 10.25

Bell-ringer: Solve
If 4 apples and 2 bananas equal $1 and 2 apples and 3 bananas equal $0.70, how much does each apple and each banana cost?

Same as yesterday. Get as much done as you can today. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Math Enrichment- 10/24


1. Kenneth has b amount of buttons. Alexa has 41 more buttons than Kenneth. Write an expression for this word problem.

2. In a school, 50% of the students are younger than 10 years old, 1/20 are 10 years old and 1/10 are older than 10 but younger than 12, the remaining 70 students are 12 years old or older. How many students are 10 years old?


1. If you have not finished the Future Smart activity on EverFi, then you MUST finish today. You will not receive a passing score for the assessments unless you score a 70 or higher.

2. If you are finished with the EverFi activity, then you should continue working on IXL. Use the directions from last Monday and continue where you left off. Remember that Mr. Spivy can see what you are working on from his computer, so do not be doing something that you should not be doing.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

STEM and Math Enrichment- October 21

No bell-ringer today.

Because I am not in class, we are going to take a break from our Food Waste study.

Today, you are going to start something new that we will return to at a later date. Some of this will ask you to use headphone, but you do not need them to complete the work.

1. Go to
2. Click on "Register" IF YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT, do not create a new account. Simply add the new code (below) in the top left corner after you login. 
3. Your registration code is dd881148
4. Follow the instructions.  Make sure that you write down your login information for this website!
5. You will be completing the "Future Goals" activity. 

Math Enrichment:
No bell-ringer today.

If you have not finished the Future Smart on EverFi then you need to do that today. When you finish, continue working on IXL.

Math Enrichment- October 20

Bell-ringer: Solve the problems. Show your work.

1. Sumalee won 40 super bouncy balls playing horseshoes at her school's game night. Later, she gave two to each of her friends. She only has 8 remaining. How many friends does she have?

2. How old am I if 400 reduced by 2 times my age is 244?

3. Jill sold half of her comic books and then bought sixteen more. She now has 36. With how many did she begin?

1. Try to finish the EverFi Future Smart Activity today. Use Chrome. Remember, that you must receive a 70 or higher on the assessment at the end of each task to move on.

2. Continue working on the standards on IXL from Monday, Remember, I can see your progress, so do what is asked of you the first time.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Math Enrichment- 10.19

Bell-ringer: Solve the word problems.

1. Aliyah had some candy to give to her four children. She first took ten pieces for herself and then evenly divided the rest among her children. Each child received two pieces. With how many pieces did she start?

2. The Cooking Club made some pies to sell at a basketball game to raise money for the new math books. The cafeteria contributed four pies to the sale. Each pie was then cut into five pieces and sold. There were a total of 60 pieces to sell. How many pies did the club make?

3. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 48. What are the smallest of these numbers?


Continue the activity from yesterday on

STEM- October 19


Find an article about the upcoming elections. Read this article. Write a two sentence summary of this article.


Each group will be working on completing an online worksheet. The links below correspond with your table. Click on the link that belongs to your group and begin working on the worksheet. This worksheet will be updated in real time, so you will be able to see what your other group mates are writing. It would be smart to converse with those in your group, so that you all are not doing the same thing.

Table #1 (front table, closest to the door)-- click here 
Table #2 (front center)-- click here
Table #3 (back center)-- click here
Table #4 (front, farthest away from the door)--click here
Table #5 (back corner)-- click here 

ELA- October 19

No bell-ringer this morning.

If you have not finished the essay, look over all of the directions from the past two days as you finish up. Today is the LAST day that we will be in the lab, so you MUST finish typing today. Before you print, please let Mr. Spivy know.

If you finish the essay---

You will be starting an activity on digital literacy. You will probably not finish today, which is fine.

1. Go to
2. Click on "Register"
3. Your registration code is c987dc30
4. Follow the instructions.  Make sure that you write down your login information for this website!
5. You will be completing the "Ignition" activity. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Math Enrichment- October 18

Bell-ringer: Solve the two-step equations

1. 3p + 2 = 5

2. 6g - 8 = 16
3. You bought a magazine for $5 and four erasers. You spent a total of $25. How much did each eraser cost?


One of the major ways that you will use math throughout your life is when dealing with money. For the next week, we will be working on an online project. For this, you will need to follow the directions to register for this project. 

1. Go to

2. Click on "Register"
3. Your registration code is 4e464e14
4. Follow the instructions.  Make sure that you write down your login information for this website!
5. You will be completing the "FutureSmart" activity. 

ELA- October 18

Write an original sentence for each of the underlined words in yesterday's bell-ringer. Your sentences should be at least ten words long, descriptive, and creative.

1. Continue typing your essay. Today and tomorrow will be the last two days that we are typing them in class.

2. When you are finished, check out the rubric for the essay found here. I will be using this rubric to grade your essays. Read your essay  with this rubric in mind.

3. Look for any run-on sentences or fragments. Look for any issues with capitalization. These are the grammatical and mechanical areas that I will hit you the hardest when grading.

4. Ensure that your document is double-spaced, uses 12-point (normal) font, and does not have an extra space between the paragraphs. If you forget how to format your essay correctly, then ask Mr. Spivy.

5. If you believe you are ready to print, then speak with Mr. Spivy first.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Math IXL

No bell-ringer

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 7th grade, then scroll down to where it says "Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities."
5. Complete all the skills under this heading. If you receive a 90 for any skill, then move on to the next. If you receive less than a 90, continue working on this skill. 
6. Mr. Spivy is able to see what you are doing from his computer, so do not try to work on something that is not assigned to you. You will lose participation points for the day. 

ELA--October 17

Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The dauntless dingo laughed in the face of fear.
2. Her debut performance was so incredible that no one believed it was her first show.
3. Wearing hats will be difficult for Marie now that she is decapitated.
4. The student deceived the teacher with an essay found online.

5. Dr. Stein’s accidental explosion decimated half of his lab.

Today's Activities:
1. If your rough draft is not completed, you must finish that before typing your final draft. Mr. Spivy will be coming around to check your rough draft, so do not try to start typing your final draft until your rough draft is completed. 

2. In the top LEFT hand corner of your essay, put the header "Name, period, date."

3. The title of your essay should be centered and below the header. Your title should be "Identity Project: Friend Groups"

4. Begin typing your essay. Each paragraph should be indented. Do not put an extra space between your paragraphs. The font should be a normal font (Mr. Spivy can let you know if it is normal or not) and 12-point. 

5. When you are finished typing your essay, you need to double-space the essay and ensure that there is not an extra space between the paragraphs. Mr. Spivy quickly showed you how to do this last week. If you need a reminder, ask him. 

6. The questions that help guide your paragraphs are below. 

Which social groups (inside and outside of school) are you a part of?
 If you had to decide which group is the most influential one in your life, which would it be?
Describe, in great detail, your “main” social group. What commonality does each of these people have? What keeps you all together? How did this group start?
 How has this group molded your identity? This may take thinking. “It hasn’t” will not be accepted.

What part do you play in this group? Are you a leader or follower? Are you the entertainer? Are you the glue that holds the group together?  

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Math Enrichment-Web Quest 3


If you did not finish yesterday's activity, then finish it first. 

Tables and graphs are commonly used to summarize sports statistics. Standings for teams and leagues are often summarized in tables, and historical data about a sport or event is often summarized in graphs.

  1. Choose a country and collect historical data on this country’s Olympic performances.  If you chose the United States (which you cannot), then you would collect data on how many participants the US has had throughout the history of the Olympics and how many of each metal (gold, silver, and bronze). You must choose a country that has participated in the last ten Olympics and has at least fifteen metals (total). 
  2. Decide which type of graph is appropriate for summarizing your data.
  3. Graph your Olympic data. 

When you are finished, you may play Math games online. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

STEM/Math Enrichment

1. If you have not finished the assignment from yesterday, do so today. Today will be the last day to work on this.
2. When you finish yesterday's assignment, please work on IXL. Log in information and the website can be found in a previous post.

Math Enrichment:
Today you will be working on WebQuest 2 on . Take your time on this. Do your best work. If you finish, then you may work on IXL.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

STEM/ Math Enrichment--October 3


Today's activity will require you to do a WebQuest found at As you are on this website, begin by reading the introduction and then moving on to the tab that says "Process." There you will find information about types of crimes, due process, and steps within the criminal justice process.

You are asked to create a t-chart (google that if you do not know what that is) with types of crimes and the sentencing that a person can receive for each crime. You will also need to create a diagram of the criminal justice process. You do not need to create a presentation as the WebQuest asks of you to do.

Finish the assignment from last Thursday. When you complete that assignment, you need to work on IXL. Log-in information and directions for this website are found elsewhere on this website. Do not be lazy. Look it up.