Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Peer Edit Steps

1.      Read your partner’s essay aloud to your partner. Read it exactly as it is written. If there are no pause marks (commas, semicolons) or end marks, then read the essay accordingly.
2.      You may write on your partner’s paper with pencil.
3.      Is there an effective hook? Does it grab your attention? Write if it is good or not. If the hook is not effective, then give a suggestion.
4.      Do the paragraphs flow from one to the next? Are there effective transitions? If not, mark where you become confused by the progression ideas.
5.      Are the characters and setting described with vivid details?
6.      Did they show the story instead of tell the story? Did s/he use strong verbs and vivid descriptions?
7.      Check the mechanics of the essay (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling). Correct homophone issues (there, their, and they’re; your and you’re; its and it’s; to, two, and too).

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