Friday, October 23, 2015

Final Essay

1. Bell-ringer
2. Final Essay

Jerritt wants to buy a car, but it cost $4650; he doesn’t have a job, and the only job he can find will pay him $5.00 an hour. Because he is in school, he can only work 20 hours a week. How many weeks will he need to work before he can buy the car? Show work. No calculator.

Final Essay:
1. Review the directions from yesterday. Follow those directions until you are finished typing your essay. 
2. When you have completed your essay, go to
3. Your username is your student ID number. 
4. Your password is the lowercase of your first initial, the uppercase of your last initial @402. 
     Example: Molly Smith's password would be mS@402. 
5. Login to your account on this website. 
6. Once you are logged on, find the square towards the bottom of the screen that says "narrative." 
7. Click on this square to open the assignment. This only works on Google Chrome. If the assignment does not pop-up, let Mr. Spivy know. The automatic pop-up blocker has probably prevented this from happening. 
8. Once you have opened the assignment, copy and paste your essay into the text box.
9. If you need assistance, ask Mr. Spivy. 

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