Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bell-ringer and Agenda

1. Bell-ringer
2. Type final draft of narrative essay

Write the quote and answer the questions that follow.
I think a lot of times we don't pay enough attention to people with a positive attitude because we assume they are naive or stupid or unschooled.” Amy Adams

1. Why would someone with a positive attitude be perceived as stupid?

2. Why do people with negative attitudes receive more attention?

Final Draft--This is only to be done if you have finished your rough draft. 
1. Open Word or use Word on your Office 365 account. 
2. Select a font that is professional looking and set it to 12-point. 
3. In the top left corner, put your name in the first line, the period below that, and the date below that. 
4. Below your heading, type the title of your essay and center it on the page. 
5. Begin typing your essay. Make sure to indent each paragraph. Do not insert an extra space after each paragraph. 

Mr. Spivy will be around to show you how to double-space your essay. 

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