Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bell-ringer and Instructions

Write the quote and then answer the questions that follow.

1. Do you agree that the world is dangerous because of the people who do nothing about evil? Why/why not?

2. Einstein left Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi party; what do you think he was referring to in this quote?

Different classes have different directions; only follow the directions for your class.

1. Before you type, you must complete the three grammar exercises below. Show Mr. Spivy your score at the end of each exercise for credit. 

Review the rubric for your narrative essay here.  

2. If you have shown Mr. Spivy your completed rough draft, you need to resume typing your narrative essay. Your essay should be double-spaced (with no extra space between paragraphs).

3. When you are finished, type your title at the top of the first page. Put your heading (name, Mr. Spivy, date) in the top left above the title. 

4. Your essay should include many descriptive details. Refer to your dialogue notes to make sure you are formatting your dialogue correctly.  Incorrect formatting of dialogue will cause you to lose points. 

5. We will be having silent reading at the end of class. 

6. Do not print your essay! Due tomorrow at the end of class!

4th, 5th, 6th Period:

 Review the rubric for your narrative essay here

1. If you have shown Mr. Spivy your completed rough draft, you need to resume typing your narrative essay. Your essay should be double-spaced (with no extra space between paragraphs).

2. When you are finished, type your title at the top of the first page. Put your heading (name, Mr. Spivy, date) in the top left above the title. 

3. Your essay should include many descriptive details. Refer to your dialogue notes to make sure you are formatting your dialogue correctly.  Incorrect formatting of dialogue will cause you to lose points. 

4. Do not print your essay! Due tomorrow at the end of class!

7th Period:
The rubric for the letter is here.

1. Continue typing your letter. Make sure to format your letter correctly. An example of a correctly formatted letter is hyper-linked in yesterday's post.
2. When you are finished, copy and paste the body of your letter into WV Writes. If there is not a prompt specified for this assignment, put it into another prompt. Take the suggestions from WV Writes and revise your letter.


4. If you finish all of these steps, complete the three grammar exercises below. These are not easy exercises. Show Mr. Spivy the score at the end of each exercise for credit. 

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