Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bell-ringer and Instructions

 December 10, 2013
Bell-ringer: Write and original sentence for each of the words below. The sentences should be at least ten words long.

1. Detest- verb to hate
2. Detrimental- adj. destructive in nature
3. Devilry- noun hateful mischief 
4. Diaphanous- adj. almost completely translucent 
5. Dissever- verb to separate into pieces

Today you will be working on our first tech step. Follow the guidelines below to create this techs step. You do not need to log-on to the Tech Step website to do this. 

Tech Steps—Digital Storytelling

You will be creating a digital story using Microsoft PowerPoint. Your presentation will tell a complete story (beginning, middle, and end) using text and images. We will be working in the computer lab the rest of this week; your digital story will be due on Friday.

1.      The presentation must include at least ten story slides and a title slide.
2.      Each slide must have some text and an image that corresponds with the text. The images you select should enhance your story, not distract from your story.
3.      Each slide must be attractively designed. The color scheme of your presentation should not be black and white.
4.      There must be transitional animation from one slide to the next.
5.      There must be animation in each slide.
6.      Your presentation should include the components of a story (plot, characters, setting).
7.      You may use a story that you have already created as your basis for this project. However, you cannot rip off another author or a filmmaker.

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