Friday, December 13, 2013

Bell-ringer and Directions

Bell-ringer: Solve the problem below without the use of a calculator. You must show your work. 
Brian is a professional video-game tester. He is paid $20 each hour that he works. He also receives a 20% bonus of what he has earned during the pay period if he discovers a glitch in the program. Bryan is paid every other Friday. If Bryan worked 30 hours both weeks and discovered one glitch how much money will Bryan be paid (before taxes, of course)? 

You must finish your presentation today. Once you have checked the guidelines and made sure that your presentation meets all guidelines, ask Mr. Spivy to grade your presentation. You cannot receive a grade if he does not check your work. 

Once you are finished, you may work on an assignment for another teacher, read independently (from a book), or go to one of the following websites: 

2.) --you do not need to create an account 
3.)Grammar Blast -- do the 8th grade level

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