Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bell-ringer, Objectives, Rubrics

November 12, 2013                                                                                  Mr. Spivy
Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. The dauntless dingo laughed in the face of fear.
2. Her debut was so incredible that no one believed it was her first show.
3. Wearing hats will be difficult for Marie now that she is decapitated.
4. The student deceived the teacher with an essay found online.
5. Dr. Stein’s accidental explosion decimated half of his lab.

1. As a team, review the rubrics for the presentation and PSA; then, review the description for the poster advertisement. A brochure is no longer part of the campaign.
2. After reviewing the rubrics and description, decide who will work on each component of the campaign. It needs to be clear what each person is require to do for the remainder of the day.
3. Make sure that you keep information of all sources used for the presentation. Give credit where it is due. To make a works cited slide, visit easybib.com (Yes, Mr. Spivy does not mind if you use this tool for the campaign.)
4. You should have at least three slides completed or near completion before leaving.
5. A rough draft of your script should be near completion today.
6. A rough sketch of your poster should be near completion today. 

Informative Presentation -
The presentation is at least ten (high quality) slides long (not including the title slide and works cited slide).
The presentation is at least ten slides long (not including the title slide and works cited slide). Some of the slides are not high quality.
The presentation is less than ten slides long (not including the title slide and works cited slide). Some of the slides are not high quality.
The presentation has less than six slides.
Works Cited
The presentation has a works cited slide. This slide is formatted using MLA.
The presentation has a works cited slide. This slide is formatted using MLA. The format has one or two problems.
The presentation has a works cited slide. This slide is formatted using MLA. There are multiple formatting issues.
The presentation does not include a works cited slide.
The presentation includes a sufficient definition of teen violence and includes the origin of teen violence. The definition includes a many details to help the audience understand teen violence.
The presentation includes a sufficient definition of teen violence and includes the origin of teen violence. The definition has some details to help the audience understand teen violence.
The presentation includes a definition of teen violence and includes the origin of teen violence.
The presentation includes an insufficient definition of teen violence and includes the origin of teen violence.
Content - Accuracy
All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. The presentation includes the required informative from the description.
Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that might be inaccurate. The presentation includes the required informative from the description.
The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate. The presentation does not include all required information.
Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error. The presentation does not include all required information.
Use of Graphics
All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the theme/content of the presentation. Font formats (e.g., color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content.
A few graphics are not attractive but all support the theme/content of the presentation. Font formats (e.g., color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content.
All graphics are attractive but a few do not seem to support the theme/content of the presentation. The font is lackluster and hard to read.
Several graphics are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation. The font is lackluster and hard to read.


The PSA is between two to three minutes.
The PSA is over three minutes by more than thirty seconds.
The PSA is under two minutes by more than fifteen seconds. The PSA is over three minutes by more than one minute.
The PSA is under two minutes by more than thirty seconds.
Covers topic (teen violence and how to avoid it) in-depth with details and examples. Subject knowledge is excellent.
Includes essential knowledge about the topic. Subject knowledge appears to be good.
Includes essential information about the topic but there are 1-2 factual errors.
Content is minimal OR there are several factual errors.
The script includes lines, blocking, and effects. The actors do not deviate from the script.
The script includes lines, blocking, and effects. The actors deviate slightly from the script.
The script includes lines, blocking, and effects. The actors do not deviate from the script. The actors hold the script during the performance.
The script includes lines, blocking, and effects. The actors do not deviate from the script. The actors deviate slightly from the script. The actors hold the script during the performance.
Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.
Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time.
Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time.
Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost.
All requirements are met and exceeded.
All requirements are met.
One requirement was not completely met.
More than one requirement was not completely met.

Poster Description- create a poster advertisement that displays either the danger of teen violence or how to end teen violence. Make sure to include at least one fact from your research. This should be neat and colorful. The advertisement should be appealing to the eye; white should not be the predominate color of the advertisement.

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