Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bell-ringer and Objectives

Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence using the five words below. Your sentences should be at least ten words long.

1. Dauntless- adj. fearless; intrepid
2. Debut- noun first appearance on stage, television, etc…
3. Decapitate- verb to behead
4. Deceive- verb to mislead by a false appearance or statement
5. Decimate- verb to destroy a great number or proportion of

1. Review again the requirements and rubrics for each component to ensure that you are meetings all requirements. 
2. At the end of the day today, you will only have two more work days to work on this project in class. 
3. You should have at least six slides completed for the informative presentation. Remember, when you present to the class, you should not be reading all of your information off of your slides. 
4. Update the work cited information. 
5. The PSA script should be completed by the end of today. Tomorrow you will be working on refining the script and adding blocking (movement) and effects.
6. You should have a rough sketch of your advertisement on the poster by the end of the day. Make sure that your advertisement is eye-catching, colorful, includes at least one fact. 
7. Leaders, I will need your participation reports at the end of class today. 

This is due in five days.

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