Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell-riner and instructions

 February 25, 2013                                                                                              Mr. Spivy
 Directions: Write the following and sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.      The fallen trees hindered our journey to the beach.
2.      Horace, the criminal mastermind, hoodwinked the cops using a creative story and disguise.
3.      Because of all of the pollen in the air, my eyes are extremely hydrous today.
4.      My teacher is hypercritical and can find fault in anything.
5.      My sister is so comfortable in the water that she has been called ichthyic

 Agenda 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th 
 WV Writes

 Agenda Block
 Grammar Exercises click here and here
 WV Writes

 WV Writes Instructions:
 Input your essay for the advice essay into "Essay Check." You must have a pre-write and a four-square completed before you begin writing. You do not have to write a rough draft. The essay must be inputted by Monday, March 4. 5 paragraphs/ 500 words.

Imagine that you could give advice to someone—it could be someone you know personally, a historical figure, or a famous person living today. Write an essay that identifies the person and the advice you would give. Choose a familiar subject so that you can provide details and elaboration that explain why this person needs your advice.

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