Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Acuity, Bell-ringer, & Activity

First: click here to go to the acuity website.
Username: student ID #
Password: 1st letter of first name and then first four letters of last name (ex: jspiv)

Take your time with the Acuity assessment; if you finish within fifteen minutes and you have not received a 20 out of 25 or higher, then you will have lunch detention with me. Show me your score before you move on.

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the following sentences and correct any grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors.

1. Everyone nose that they need to bring their book.
2. Those who does not now this will learn real quick.
3. If you forgotted you're book, their is no mercy show to yew.
4. Dentention are usual not very fun.
5. The teacher sometime make each person write 50 sentences in our notebooks.

Activities for 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th period:
First activity: Click here.
Second activity: Click here.

Activities for block:
First activity: Click here.
Second activity: Click here.
Third activity: Click here
Fourth activity: Click here. Read the article and then write a paragraph or two summary in your reading log for Resistance.

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