Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bell-ringer and Agenda 2/14

Bell-ringer: Write a Valentine for an inanimate (not living) object. Make it at least four lines. You could even make a poem for instance.

For example: 
Dear iPhone, without you I would be able to spell nothing. You have been thrown down too many times, and yet you still stay with me. Thank you for being reliable 72% of the time. You light up my world with your Flashlight App. Love, Mr. Spivy

Agenda 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th
Finish 4-square and rough draft
Write your draft into WV Writes (you can write it into Word first and then copy and paste it into WV Writes)

Reminder: your essay needs to be at least five paragraphs and at least 500 words. It would be extremely easy to write more than that.
To start a new paragraph and WV Writes, hit enter twice. Also, do not indent a new paragraph.

Include dialogue in your story (it is interesting and brings up your score!). Look over the rule here, first.  

Agenda Block
Silent sustained reading
Finish 4-square and rough draft
Write your draft into WV Writes ( you can write it into Word first and then copy and past it into WV Writes)  

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