Tuesday, January 9, 2018

1.9-Bell-ringer, Appositive Notes

Bell-ringer: Write the following sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1. The glacial winds froze the water droplets in my hair.
2. Because you sat on the ball and flattened one side, it is no longer globular.
3. Though I like pancakes, I hate when syrup makes my hands glutinous.
4. My beagle has always been gluttonous and will eat anything in front of him.
5. While my sister has book smarts, she does not have a lot of gumption.

Appositive and Appositive Phrase Notes
An appositive is:
A noun or pronoun placed after another noun or pronoun to:
§rename, or
explain the preceding word
§An appositive phrase is:
§A noun or pronoun with modifiers (describing words).
§It stands next to a noun or pronoun and adds information or details.
Appositives and appositive phrases CAN be compound
An appositive is NOT a prepositional phrase
An appositive phrase is NOT a dependent clause
§Offset an appositive or appositive phrase with commas if it is in the middle or end of a sentence and the appositive is unnecessary

§Do NOT place commas around the appositive if it is necessary to the sentence. 

§A dash can be used to offset appositive phrases.
§A colon can be used to offset an appositive if it is as the end of the sentence. 

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