Wednesday, January 31, 2018

1.31- Bell-ringer, Peer-Edit guidelines

Bell-ringer: Rewrite the three boring sentences below to make them more interesting. Your sentences should employ vivid adjectives, strong verbs, metaphors, similes, and personification.

1. The girl played on the playground.
2. The view from the mountain was pretty.
3. Lisa and her sister fought.

Peer-edit Guidelines
1. Read your partner's essay aloud. Read it exactly as it is written. If there are no pause marks (commas, semicolons) or end marks, then read the essay accordingly.
2. Is there an effective hook? Does the analysis of the hook assist you in understand the topic?
3. Do the paragraphs flow from one to the next? Are there effective transitions? If not, mark where you become confused by the progression of ideas.
4. Does each paragraph of the body start with a clear topic sentence? Do the sentences that follow support the topic sentence?
5. Does the essay include reference to the two different documents we read in class?
6. Does the conclusion begin with a sentence that restates the thesis? Is the conclusion strong? What are you left thinking?
7. Mark any fragments; fix any run-on sentences.
8. Change any contractions or first- and second- person pronouns.
9. Check the mechanics. Correct homophone issues.

1.30- Bell-ringer

Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences should be interesting, creative, and at least ten words long.

1. ichthyic- adj. fish-like
2. ignominious- adj. shameful
3. illiberal- adj. stingy; conservative
4. illicit- adj. illegal
5. incarcerated- verb to imprison

Monday, January 29, 2018

1.29-Bell-ringer, Introduction, Conclusion

Bell-ringer: Write the following sentences. Define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.       The drone had an ichthyic appearance so it could fit in with the other fish.
2.       Though many found no shame in it before, we now think slavery is ignominious.
3.       My father is illiberal with his money and only uses coupons.
4.       The politician was arrested for an illicit underground gerbil fighting tournament.

5.       After his trial, the politician was incarcerated for two years.

 Introduction Paragraph
Follow the directions below to create your introduction
Hook: Find a quote from a recognizable name (research this person if you are not sure) about immigration. Then, your first sentence should look something like this “Benjamin Franklin once said, “[insert quote.]
Second sentence, give an analysis of the quote. What does it mean?
Third and fourth sentence: Using the research you gathered about immigration in the United States, write two sentences that provide background information on the topic.
Thesis: America’s identity is constantly shaped by immigrants who bring with them their love of country, reminders of their past lives, and unique experiences.  

Conclusion Paragraph
Follow the directions below to create your conclusion. 
First sentence: Restate the thesis. This should not be a copy and paste. This should be taking the main idea of the thesis and reworking them in the same order as the body paragraphs. 
Second through fourth sentence: Restate the main ideas from each body paragraph. 
Fifth sentence: leave the reader with an interesting final impression. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

1.25- Bell-ringer, Activity

January 24, 2018
Bell-ringer: Write the quote and answer the questions that follow.

“Happiness is not something that you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.”—Jim Rohn

1.     How might someone postpone (put off) his/her happiness for the future?

2.     Is happiness a choice? Explain.

     "What to Bring" Paragraph
     Using the information that you read in the close reader, write a paragraph describing the items immigrants bring with them to American. I have provided you with the topic sentence and the conclusion. All you have to write are the three supporting details. Remember that these should be fully formed ideas, not piddly little sentences. 

Topic sentence: As people migrate to the United States, they bring an assortment of items of various purposes with them.

Supporting detail #1:  

Supporting detail #2:

Supporting detail #3:

Conclusion: While some of the items brought by immigrants into to the country seem insignificant to others, each one helps the possessor begin his/her new life.

Individual Immigrants Story

Write a paragraph with the provided topic sentence, three supporting details, and a conclusion about an immigrant to America. This person can be a famous immigrant, someone you know, or just a person that you have researched.

Your paragraph should answer the following questions: Who is the immigrant and where is he or she from? Why did s/he move to America specifically? How has this person been successful/unsuccessful in his/her new country?

Topic sentence: Like all people, each immigrant to the United States has his/her own unique stories and experiences.


Rewrite the following sentences, correcting any grammatical, mechanical, and spelling errors.

1. Yesterday we diddnt saw you, because we was busy.
2. We had went to ate and then seen a movie.
3. It is my belif that the movie we had saw was terabel.
4. There was no action and every one just cryed.
5. I will not ever watch that movie again, because it was a was it of time.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

1.23- Immigration Research, Bell-ringer

Take extensive notes on the questions below. The more you write, the better off you will be. Separate your notes by each question. Write down the website(s) where you found the information. Remember, Wikipedia or any other wiki is not an acceptable resource.

1. As of 2015, how many immigrants resided in the United States? As of 2015, what percentage of the United States population were immigrants?
2. How many people immigrated to the United States in 2015?
3. From what five countries do a majority of immigrants to the United States come? 
4. In what five states do the majority of immigrants live?
5. List the main reasons why people immigrate to the United States. List at least five; be specific and provide details.

Directions: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences must be creative, interesting, and at least ten words long.
1. habitually- adv. done as if a habit; frequently
2. haggard- adj. worn with age
3. hanger-on- n. one who unwontedly associates with a group or person
4. harbinger- n. a messenger (usually of bad news)
5. heartrending- adj. causing great sorrow

Monday, January 22, 2018

1.22- Bell-ringer, Spelling List,

Bell-ringer: Write the following sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1. Because he habitually lies, no one believed Jason.
2. Having carried it around for years, my niece's blanket is haggard.
3. Sheila is just a hanger-on; she isn't anyone's friend but is always around.
4. The crow was the harbinger of bad news, warning us that something dangerous was to come.
5. Watching the lion devour the baby gazelle was heartrending.

Spelling List:
1. Proximity
2. Pertinent
3. Heroism
4. Doctrine
5. Supernatural
6. Gaunt
7. Intelligent
8. Mortgage
9. Compassionate
10. Neutral
11. Desolate
12. Notorious
13. Ambidextrous
14. Serene
15. Culpable

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences should be interesting, creative, and at least ten words long.

1. glacial- adj. 1. Freezing (referring to temperature); 2. Slow moving
2. globular- adj. shaped like a globe
3. glutinous- adj. sticky
4. gluttonous- adj. tending to overeat or overindulge

5. gumption- n. common sense

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

1.9-Bell-ringer, Appositive Notes

Bell-ringer: Write the following sentences and define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1. The glacial winds froze the water droplets in my hair.
2. Because you sat on the ball and flattened one side, it is no longer globular.
3. Though I like pancakes, I hate when syrup makes my hands glutinous.
4. My beagle has always been gluttonous and will eat anything in front of him.
5. While my sister has book smarts, she does not have a lot of gumption.

Appositive and Appositive Phrase Notes
An appositive is:
A noun or pronoun placed after another noun or pronoun to:
§rename, or
explain the preceding word
§An appositive phrase is:
§A noun or pronoun with modifiers (describing words).
§It stands next to a noun or pronoun and adds information or details.
Appositives and appositive phrases CAN be compound
An appositive is NOT a prepositional phrase
An appositive phrase is NOT a dependent clause
§Offset an appositive or appositive phrase with commas if it is in the middle or end of a sentence and the appositive is unnecessary

§Do NOT place commas around the appositive if it is necessary to the sentence. 

§A dash can be used to offset appositive phrases.
§A colon can be used to offset an appositive if it is as the end of the sentence. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

1.4-Bell-ringer, Spelling Activity

Bell-ringer: Create an original sentence for each of the words below. Your sentences must be at least ten words long.

1. fiasco- n. complete failure
2. fishmonger- n. a salesperson of fish
3. fluctuate- v. to change continually
4. frugal- adj. not wasteful; cheap
5. gamester- n. a gambler

Spelling Activity
Directions: Write down the spelling word for each of the clues below. Make sure you spell each word correctly. Do this on your own sheet of paper.
1.     This word, from Old French, is the opposite of “tranquility.”
2.     Adverb form of a word meaning “clandestine.”
3.     Derived from a Medieval Latin word meaning “to a point.”
4.     This word is the combination of a prefix that has negative force on the word and a word meaning capable of speaking
5.     Comes from a medieval Latin word meaning “to look closely at”
6.     Contains a suffix that transforms verbs to nouns, means “tenant”
7.     Means “to come to understand absent any reasoning”
8.     Root word is the Latin word for “worthy”
9.     In falconry, it means “untamed;” in all other instances, it means gaunt or wild
10.   A Latin derived word meaning “to enslave”
11.    Derives from the Greek word for “hidden”
12.  Antonym of the word unusual
13.   Adverb form of a word that is opposite of a word meaning “capable of producing the desired effect”
14.   Word that means to reduce to powder
15.    Antonym of one of the other spelling words

Spelling Words
1.       Accustomed
2.     Apprehension
3.       Cryptic
4.       Efficient
5.       Haggard
6.     Inarticulate
7.     Indignant
8.       Ineffectually
9.     Intuition
10.   Occupant
11.   Perspective
12.   Pulverize
13.   Punctual
14.   Stealthily

            15.   Subjugate 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

1.3-Bell-ringers, Etymology Activity

January 3, 2018                                                                      Mr. Spivy
Bell-ringer: Directions—write the sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.

1. Even though we had practiced for weeks, our presentation was a fiasco, not a success.
2. The fishmonger sold us three grouper and nine trout for ten dollars.
3. Her temperature fluctuated throughout the night—it was never consistent.
4. Because he is frugal, my father buys all of his clothes at Goodwill and uses coupons.

5. The gamester lost all of his money playing poker.

Spelling Activity
Directions: Write down the spelling word for each of the clues below. Make sure you spell each word correctly. Do this on your own sheet of paper.
1.     This word, from Old French, is the opposite of “tranquility.”
2.     Adverb form of a word meaning “clandestine.”
3.     Derived from a Medieval Latin word meaning “to a point.”
4.     This word is the combination of a prefix that has negative force on the word and a word meaning capable of speaking
5.     Comes from a medieval Latin word meaning “to look closely at”
6.     Contains a suffix that transforms verbs to nouns, means “tenant”
7.     Means “to come to understand absent any reasoning”
8.     Root word is the Latin word for “worthy”
9.     In falconry, it means “untamed;” in all other instances, it means gaunt or wild
10.                        A Latin derived word meaning “to enslave”
11.                        Derives from the Greek word for “hidden”
12.                        Antonym of the word unusual
13.                        Adverb form of a word that is opposite of a word meaning “capable of producing the desired effect”
14.                        Word that means to reduce to powder
15.                        Antonym of one of the other spelling words

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

1.2- Bell-ringer, Spelling List, Comma Activity

Bell-ringer: Many people make New Year’s Resolutions in an effort to better themselves. Typically, these resolutions are forgotten within the first two weeks of the year because they are too extreme.

Instead of creating a resolution, I want you to choose a focus word for this year. This focus word could be a goal that you want to accomplish like championship (for an athlete) or GPA (for those wanting to better their grades). This focus word could be a skill or activity you want to improve like reading, listening, or dancing. Your focus word could also be a character trait you want to work on like patience, self-control, or honesty.

Write three sentences about what your focus word is, why you chose that word, and what will you do because this is your focus word.

1.       Accustomed
2.     Apprehension
3.       Cryptic
4.       Efficient
5.       Haggard
6.     Inarticulate
7.     Indignant
8.       Ineffectually
9.     Intuition
10.   Occupant
11.   Perspective
12.   Pulverize
13.   Punctual
14.   Stealthily
            15.   Subjugate 

Comma Practice:
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