Thursday, March 2, 2017

Instructions for the Day

ELA (1/2, 3/8. 7)

Bell-ringer: Write the quote. Write a two sentence response to it. You could either write what it means, how it could be applied to your life, or a mixture of both.

"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Instruction for the day:

Continue working on your business plan with your partner. If you are not finished with parts I, II, and II, that should be done by the end of today. You may work on V and VI if you complete those. The more you write in the plan, the better off you will begin the long run. Trust me.

When working on part III, remember that while you are trying to appeal to the largest amount of people possible, you need to focus on one demographic primarily. For instance, that group of people might be females ages 18-30 or males ages 40-55. It cannot be a broad males and females of all ages. Also, it would be wise to begin looking at commercial properties or food trucks/stands to sell to run your business out of. The internet is a magical thing. Just google "commercial properties in Wood County WV" and much will appear.

Colton and Taylor, Marissa and Miranda, and Zach and Prim, please ensure that i-Pads are returned to their correct slots at the end of your period. 8th period should plug in their i-Pads.

Work hard today. If I receive any bad notes, I will take away the reward day tomorrow. Do good things. Make me proud.

STEM (5)

Bell-ringer: Solve the word problem.

John received two detentions in the fourth quarter. He received three detentions in the first two quarters combined. Throughout the whole year, he received 12 detentions total. How many detentions did John receive in the third quarter?

Continue working on the Mock Trial process. The actual trial will be on Tuesday. Practice delivering opening/closing statements. Determine what evidence will be presented and why. Determine which witnesses will testify and what questions will be asked of them. Do not get too loud and crazy today. If I receive any bad notes, I will take away the reward day tomorrow.

If you are not assigned any task (legal team) or not being interviewed (actors), then you should work on IXL. To access IXL, go to Your username is your 9600 number @woodschools (example: 960012345@woodschools). Your password is your 9600 number.

Ethan and Isaac, ensure that all the iPads are returned to their correct slots before you leave today. They do not need to be plugged in.

Do good things. Make me proud.

Math Enrichment (6)

The answer is (1, 2); create a problem with that answer.

Today, you will be working on IXL (I'm sorry!). You know what to do. I can still see what you are working on from home, so do not try to do anything less than 7th grade. At this point, you should only be doing 8th grade standards unless you are struggling with a concept. There is no reason to talk.

Coleman and Bre, ensure that all iPads are returned to their correct slots at the end of class.

Do good things. Make me proud.

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