Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Budget Project

Budget Simulation

Title your paper “Budget Simulation”

On the first line write- “Part I: Career”

Below that write- “Career:” and then write down the career you drew

Below that write- “Description:” and then write a brief description of that job. You may do research to assist you in crafting this description.

Below that write-”Salary:” and then write the starting salary for this position. Google “starting salary for …” If your job is an hourly job, then assume that you are working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks.

Below that write- “Years of school:” and then write the number of years of schooling beyond high that is required for this job. The answer may be “0.”

Below that write- “Monthly Income:” Then divide your yearly salary by 12.

Below that write- “Taxes:” Multiply your monthly income by 30%

Below that write- “Student Loans:” then write what your student loan payment will be per month. Multiply $50 by the number of years that your job required.

Below that write- “Monthly Net:” Then subtract the student loan and taxes from your monthly income

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