Friday, March 31, 2017

Budget Simulation Day 3

Write "Part III: Transportation"

Under that, write "Type:" then decide if you are going to "buy a car," "lease a car," or use "public transportation." If you and your roommate are sharing a car, that needs to be written here.

Under that, write "Description:" write the car or the public transportation

Under that, write: "Monthly payment:" and then determine what your monthly payment for the transportation will be. This can done using a car loan calculator or researching the average costs of public transportation in Parkersburg.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hero Speech Outline

Hook: What are you going to say at the beginning to “hook” your audience?
Thesis: The topic + opinion (if necessary)+ 3 supporting details
I.                    Supporting detail 1 (from thesis)
a.       Supporting fact or claim (further describes or supports your detail)
b.      Supporting fact or claim
c.       Supporting fact or claim
II.                  Supporting detail 2 (from thesis)
a.       Supporting fact or claim
b.      Supporting fact or claim
c.       Supporting fact or claim
III.                Supporting detail 3 (from thesis)
a.       Supporting fact or claim
b.      Supporting fact or claim
c.       Supporting fact or claim

Conclusion: Reword your thesis and add a nice little “bow to the end.” What is the last thing you want your audience to hear you say?

Budget Simulation Day 2

Write "Part II: Housing"

Underneath write "Roomates:" decide if you would like to have one roommate. If you have a roommate, remember that you will have to buy double food and buy double utilities later on. Also, you must have at least one bedroom for each person in the house.

Underneath that write "House/Apartment:" Using, find a house or use a search engine to find a place to rent in Wood or Washington County that you can afford. Once you have discovered the place that you would like to buy or rent, then write down the address. If you are buying a house, then use the calculator found here to determine your mortgage. Assume that you will have $0 as your down payment.

Underneath that write "Monthly Payment:" and then write the monthly rent or the monthly mortgage payment.

Underneath that write "Description:" and write a brief description of the housing. Include how many bedrooms and bathrooms and its physical appearance.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Budget Project

Budget Simulation

Title your paper “Budget Simulation”

On the first line write- “Part I: Career”

Below that write- “Career:” and then write down the career you drew

Below that write- “Description:” and then write a brief description of that job. You may do research to assist you in crafting this description.

Below that write-”Salary:” and then write the starting salary for this position. Google “starting salary for …” If your job is an hourly job, then assume that you are working 40 hours a week for 50 weeks.

Below that write- “Years of school:” and then write the number of years of schooling beyond high that is required for this job. The answer may be “0.”

Below that write- “Monthly Income:” Then divide your yearly salary by 12.

Below that write- “Taxes:” Multiply your monthly income by 30%

Below that write- “Student Loans:” then write what your student loan payment will be per month. Multiply $50 by the number of years that your job required.

Below that write- “Monthly Net:” Then subtract the student loan and taxes from your monthly income

Monday, March 27, 2017

STEM and Math Enrichment

Today you will be working on IXL. I receive reports at the end of the day of how much my classes accomplished on IXL, so I will know if you did not work. I expect you to be perfect ladies and gentlemen for the substitute teacher today. Ethan and Dade, please make sure each iPad is returned properly to the cart at the end of 5th period. Bre and Coleman, do the same for 6th period.

IXL Directions
1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number. You may have to add "@woodschools" to your student ID number for the username.
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness
4. Select 8th grade and choose a standard from 8th grade that you know you need more practice. 

Do good things; make me proud. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

STEM- Oil Spill Project

Use the link below to answer the following questions. Use complete sentences.  
Read the article and answer the following questions:

1.                 Where was the Deepwater Horizon located?

2.                 When was the explosion and oil spill?

3.                 How many people died in the explosion?

4.                 How long did it take to seal off the well

Use other resources to answer the following questions. 
1. How much oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico?

2. How was the oil cleaned up?

2. What kinds of damage occurred because of this event?

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

STEM- EverFi Radius

1. Log on to

2. In the top right-hand corner, input the code b09ec1e6

3. Begin the "Radius" lesson.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Shark Tank- Business Plan Revised

I. Who we are:
What are your qualifications to start this business?
Why would a Shark want to give you their money as an investment?
What important skills do you have?
An example of a good start would be "[insert business name] is being started by...." Make sure to use first person, plural pronouns (we, us, our) throughout this section.
This should be at least a paragraph.

II. Business Product/Services:
Describe in GREAT DETAIL what you product(s)/service(s) are. After reading this section, the Sharks should know exactly it is that you are selling.
It is smart if you do not try to go overboard with the products/services. Focus on one or two things that you can be successful with.

III. Customers:
Who will you be trying to market this product to?
What is this person's socioeconomic status?
What are this person's interest?
Begin many of your sentences with "The targeted customer is..."
Try to figure out how many of your "targeted customers" live in Wood County or the surrounding area.
Example: "Andy's Athletic Rental's targeted customer is a child ages 4-16 who are in the mid to low socioeconomic status. In Wood County, there are 15,000 children within that age range and social economic status." or "Brilliant Boutique's targeted customer is a woman ages 25-40 in the high socioeconomic status. There are roughly 7,000 women who meet those classifications."
This should be at least a paragraph.

IV. Marketing/Advertisement:
Detail all of the marketing/advertisement initiatives you will be taking. Look at the list of artifacts on the guiding document from last Friday.
After determining which you will be using, determine how much each initiative will cost. A flyer will cost however much it is for paper, ink, and printing. A billboard will cost the design, the installation, and the rent. A commercial will cost the production costs and the air-time. Social media does not carry any costs.
Determine how many people you believe will be reached by each initiative. Have data to back that up.
Be smart about this. Marketing and advertisement are worth the money if it means more costumers will be reached.
This should be at least a paragraph.

V. Pricing:
What is the cost of production?
What will you charge for your product/services?
What will the net profit be? (That is the cost minus what it costs to create the product/service.)
What is the cost for rent or purchasing space for your business?
Are there any additional supplies you  may need?
Will you need to hire any other employees? It is best if you do not. Keep this as small as possible.

VI. Budget and Loan:
After you have figured out all of start up costs, determine how many products/services you would have to sell to break even.
Decide how much of an investment (loan) from a Shark you will need.
Determine what percentage of the profits you are willing to give to the Sharks in return for their investment. Be smart. You want to make money off of this, too.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Instructions for the Day

ELA (1/2, 3/8. 7)

Bell-ringer: Write the quote. Write a two sentence response to it. You could either write what it means, how it could be applied to your life, or a mixture of both.

"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Instruction for the day:

Continue working on your business plan with your partner. If you are not finished with parts I, II, and II, that should be done by the end of today. You may work on V and VI if you complete those. The more you write in the plan, the better off you will begin the long run. Trust me.

When working on part III, remember that while you are trying to appeal to the largest amount of people possible, you need to focus on one demographic primarily. For instance, that group of people might be females ages 18-30 or males ages 40-55. It cannot be a broad males and females of all ages. Also, it would be wise to begin looking at commercial properties or food trucks/stands to sell to run your business out of. The internet is a magical thing. Just google "commercial properties in Wood County WV" and much will appear.

Colton and Taylor, Marissa and Miranda, and Zach and Prim, please ensure that i-Pads are returned to their correct slots at the end of your period. 8th period should plug in their i-Pads.

Work hard today. If I receive any bad notes, I will take away the reward day tomorrow. Do good things. Make me proud.

STEM (5)

Bell-ringer: Solve the word problem.

John received two detentions in the fourth quarter. He received three detentions in the first two quarters combined. Throughout the whole year, he received 12 detentions total. How many detentions did John receive in the third quarter?

Continue working on the Mock Trial process. The actual trial will be on Tuesday. Practice delivering opening/closing statements. Determine what evidence will be presented and why. Determine which witnesses will testify and what questions will be asked of them. Do not get too loud and crazy today. If I receive any bad notes, I will take away the reward day tomorrow.

If you are not assigned any task (legal team) or not being interviewed (actors), then you should work on IXL. To access IXL, go to Your username is your 9600 number @woodschools (example: 960012345@woodschools). Your password is your 9600 number.

Ethan and Isaac, ensure that all the iPads are returned to their correct slots before you leave today. They do not need to be plugged in.

Do good things. Make me proud.

Math Enrichment (6)

The answer is (1, 2); create a problem with that answer.

Today, you will be working on IXL (I'm sorry!). You know what to do. I can still see what you are working on from home, so do not try to do anything less than 7th grade. At this point, you should only be doing 8th grade standards unless you are struggling with a concept. There is no reason to talk.

Coleman and Bre, ensure that all iPads are returned to their correct slots at the end of class.

Do good things. Make me proud.