Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Journal Entries

Journal Entry Prompts for The Diary of Anne Frank
Journal Entry #3
Option A: Imagine that Anne Frank was able to leave the annex and go outdoors once again. Describe what her feelings would be. Where does she go? What makes her happiest? If that happened to you, what would you miss most about outdoors? Why would you miss that the most?

Option B: All of those living in the attic are in hiding because of their views and relationship with God. What are your honest thoughts on a higher power? Do not simply regurgitate what you have learned from your parents or church—write about your honest thoughts.

Journal Entry #4
Option A: Respond to the following quote from Anne Frank’s diary. “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.” Why is it astounding that Anne would write this? Would you be able to write this if you were put into her shoes? In your own life and circumstances, do you agree with this statement?
Option B: You have probably studied something about the Holocaust multiple years throughout your schooling. Why do you believe it is important for students in middle school to study about the Frank family, the plight of the Jewish people, and the atrocities of the Holocaust? How can learning about these horrific events make you a better world citizen? 

Journal Entry Prompts for Night

Journal Entry #3
Option A: Elie tells a lie to his relative, Stein, because he believed it was more helpful to lie than to cause Stein pain with the truth. Is lying ever acceptable? How does one judge when a lie is beneficial? 

Option B: As Eliezer begins to realize the evilness of the world, he knows that his parents have tried to protect him. Your parents probably tried to protect you from the dark parts of the world. What did your parents protect you from? How did you feel when you realized what they were protecting you from? When you have kids, will you try to protect them from the darkness of the world?

Journal Entry #4
What are your genuine thoughts about Night? Has it changed how you view the Holocaust? The world? Has it altered your outlook on life? 

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