Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Mock Trial Research

At least one person from each legal team needs to complete this research. This will be a group grade.
Actors, if you are not working with a legal team, you should be working on answering these questions.
Write your answers and where you found the information. These do not need to be complete sentences.

1. What is the difference between a civil and criminal court?
2. What types of offenses are there? What do the different degrees indicate? (first degree, second degree, third degree)
3. What rights does a witness have in a trial? Must a witness answer all questions?
4. What is the job of a jury?
5. What different types of evidence can be presented?
6. List five types of objections and define them.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Shark Tank: Business Plan Expanded

I. Who we are:
What are your qualifications to start this business?
Why would a Shark want to give you their money as an investment?
What important skills do you have?
An example of a good start would be "[insert business name] is being started by...." Make sure to use first person, plural pronouns (we, us, our) throughout this section.
This should be at least a paragraph.

II. Business Product/Services:
Describe in GREAT DETAIL what you product(s)/service(s) are. After reading this section, the Sharks should know exactly it is that you are selling.
It is smart if you do not try to go overboard with the products/services. Focus on one or two things that you can be successful with.

III. Customers:
Who will you be trying to market this product to?
What does this person like?
What is this person's socioeconomic status?
What are this person's interest?
Begin many of your sentences with "The targeted customer is..."
Try to figure out how many of your "targeted customers" live in Wood County or the surrounding area.
This should be at least a paragraph.

IV. Marketing/Advertisement:
Detail all of the marketing/advertisement initiatives you will be taking. Look at the list of artifacts on the guiding document from last Friday.
After determining which you will be using, determine how much each initiative will cost. A flyer will cost however much it is for paper, ink, and printing. A billboard will cost the design, the installation, and the rent. A commercial will cost the production costs and the air-time. Social media does not carry any costs.
Determine how many people you believe will be reached by each initiative. Have data to back that up.
Be smart about this. Marketing and advertisement are worth the money if it means more costumers will be reached.
This should be at least a paragraph.

V. Pricing and Profit:
What is the cost of production?
What is the cost for rent or purchasing space for your business?
Will you need to hire any other employees?
What will you charge for your product/services?
What will the net profit be?

VI. Budget and Loan:
Detail how much money you expect to spend.
Detail how much money you expect to bring in.
Re-emphasize the net profit. This what is most interesting to the Sharks. They are not going to give you the funds you ask for if they do not think they will get money back.
Decide how much of an investment (loan) from a Shark you will need.
Determine what percentage of the profits you are willing to give to the Sharks in return for their investment. Be smart. You want to make money off of this, too.

Shark Tank Tasks- 2.27


1. Determine what it is you are going to sell/provide to your customers. Ensure that it is something that you and your partner have experience in and feel confident in exploring.

2. While not the most important task, it would be good to know what your business's name will be. Think about the successful businesses in the world. Usually their names are short and to the point. Do not try to have long, elaborate names.

3. Open Pages (an app on the i-Pad)

4. Create a document on Pages for your business plan. Copy and paste the blank business plan below:

I. Who we are:

II. Business Product/Services:

III. Customers:

IV. Marketing/Advertisement:

V. Pricing and Profit:

VI. Budget and Loan:

5. Begin working on I and II of your business plan.

The Shark Tank Guiding Document can be found here.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Personal Creed Final

Personal Creed: Final
Directions: You will be creating a formal personal creed. All final products will be written on computer paper and in color.

On the front side of your product, you will be writing “My Personal Creed” at the top. Then you will list your ten “I believe” statements. These should be written neatly and be able to be seen easily. Also, you will be creating a colored design for the front. This could include pictorial representations of your beliefs, a border, background design, etc.

On the reverse side of your product, you will be writing an explanation for each of your “I believe statement.” 
To write your explanation, answer one of the following questions:
1.       What has happened in your life that has led you to believe this?
2.       How does having this belief affect the way you act or think?

The final product will be due on Friday. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

STEM-Everfi and IXL

If you have not completed all of the EverFi quizzes, then you need to complete that TODAY!

If you have finished EverFi, then you will be doing IXL. Follow the directions below to do that.

1. click here
2. Your log in and your password will be your student ID number. You may have to add "@woodschools" to your student ID number for the username.
3. After logging in, click WV Standards-College and Career Readiness

4. Select 7th grade. When you have completed one skill set with at least a 90, then move on to the next.

Movie Review

Movie Review Guidelines--click here

Take time to read a professional movie review on The Boy in the Striped Pajamas http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-boy-in-the-striped-pajamas-2008 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Journal Entries

Journal Entry Prompts for The Diary of Anne Frank
Journal Entry #3
Option A: Imagine that Anne Frank was able to leave the annex and go outdoors once again. Describe what her feelings would be. Where does she go? What makes her happiest? If that happened to you, what would you miss most about outdoors? Why would you miss that the most?

Option B: All of those living in the attic are in hiding because of their views and relationship with God. What are your honest thoughts on a higher power? Do not simply regurgitate what you have learned from your parents or church—write about your honest thoughts.

Journal Entry #4
Option A: Respond to the following quote from Anne Frank’s diary. “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.” Why is it astounding that Anne would write this? Would you be able to write this if you were put into her shoes? In your own life and circumstances, do you agree with this statement?
Option B: You have probably studied something about the Holocaust multiple years throughout your schooling. Why do you believe it is important for students in middle school to study about the Frank family, the plight of the Jewish people, and the atrocities of the Holocaust? How can learning about these horrific events make you a better world citizen? 

Journal Entry Prompts for Night

Journal Entry #3
Option A: Elie tells a lie to his relative, Stein, because he believed it was more helpful to lie than to cause Stein pain with the truth. Is lying ever acceptable? How does one judge when a lie is beneficial? 

Option B: As Eliezer begins to realize the evilness of the world, he knows that his parents have tried to protect him. Your parents probably tried to protect you from the dark parts of the world. What did your parents protect you from? How did you feel when you realized what they were protecting you from? When you have kids, will you try to protect them from the darkness of the world?

Journal Entry #4
What are your genuine thoughts about Night? Has it changed how you view the Holocaust? The world? Has it altered your outlook on life? 

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017


Today you will be starting a new EverFi course.
Go to www.everfi.com/login.
If you forget your password or login information, please speak to Mr. Spivy.
Once you have logged-in, type e1a570c5 into the course code area in the top right corner. 
You will be working on the course titled "Venture."

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

STEM- February 1

Bell-ringer: Solve the problem below. Do not use a calculator.

Dally gave Johnny and Ponyboy $50 to spend on food and other supplies. After buying peroxide, a deck of cards, soap, and a copy of Gone with the Wind, Johnny had $40. He then purchased enough food for five days and had $33.25 left over. How much does a day’s supply of food cost? 

Food Waste Project Research

Click on the link and follow the directions. You will have only today to complete this. Click here.