Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Character Poem Template

Directions: Create a character poem for one character from The Outsiders. Follow the template below to create your poem. Words that are in quotation marks should be written within the poem. There is an example of a character poem below.

Line 1:             Write the character’s first name
Line 2:             Write four personality traits that describe the character
Line 3:             Write “Relative (or Friend) of _________________” (fill in the blank)
Line 4:             “Fan of ______________” (fill in the blank: a person, object or ideal)
Line 5:             “Who feels ______________” (list two items)
Line 6:             “Who needs ______________” (list two items)
Line 7:             “Who fears ______________” (list two items)
Line 8:             “Who gives ______________” (list two items)
Line 9:             “Who would like to see ______________” (list two items)
Line 10:           “Resident of ___________” (fill in the blank for where he/she lives)
Line 11:           Write the character’s last name

Aloof, Leader, Unfriendly, Snob
Boyfriend of Cherry
Fan of jumping Greasers
Who feels lost and lonely in a world without boundaries
Who needs discipline and life lessons
Who fears he might lose Cherry and his popularity
Who gives orders for unwanted haircuts and baths
Who would like to see a world without those greasy rats
Resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma

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