Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ch. 4 and 5 Discussion Questions

The Outsiders: Chapters 4 and 5 Discussion Questions

Directions: On your own sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Your answers should be complete sentences. If a question has multiple parts, answer all parts of the question.


Chapter 4

1.      What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob?

2.      Why did Sodapop and Darry not want Ponyboy to ever go to Buck Merrill’s?

3.      What does Dally give Ponyboy and Johnny to take with them to Windrixville?

4.      How long do you believe the boys will be able to hide out at the church? Predict what obstacles and hardships they might face.

5.      Suppose Johnny has been arrested for murdering Bob. Take on the role of one of the lawyers. Either you can defend or prosecute Johnny (try to send him to jail). Write a paragraph of your argument for why Johnny should or should not be punished for Bob’s murder.

Chapter 5

1.      On page 69, Ponyboy states “[w]hen you haven’t got anything to do, you remember things in spite of yourself.” He then describes what he remembers and what he imagines could happen. What does the phrase “in spite of yourself” mean? What does Ponyboy imagine is going to happen to him and Johnny?

2.      Why is Ponyboy’s hair so important to him? How is cutting Curly Shepard or Tim’s hair a punishment to them when they go to jail or a detention center?

3.      What book does Ponyboy read to Johnny to entertain them? Who does Johnny say is like the men in the book? What example does he give that shows they are similar? Why does Ponyboy disagree with Johnny?

4.      Who does Ponyboy say is the Greaser he likes the least? Why does he like him the least?

5.      What is the meaning of the poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”?

6.      When Dally comes to the abandoned church, he brings Ponyboy a letter from Sodapop. Describe the contents of this letter.

7.      Which Soc has been working as a spy for the Greasers? Write down a few reasons why this is surprising.


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