Thursday, September 24, 2015

Bell-ringer and Assignments

1. Bell-ringer
2. The Outsiders WebQuest
3. Free Rice

1. Bell-ringer:
Answer the word problem below. Show your work. You cannot use a calculator.

A test has twenty questions worth 100 points.  The test consists of True/False questions worth 3 points each and multiple choice questions worth 11 points each.  How many multiple choice questions are on the test?

2. WebQuest
click here==> WebQuest

3. Free Rice

click here to donate free rice to people around the world by answering simple vocabulary and English questions==>

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuff Time Journal Entry #4

Answer the following questions in paragraph form (must be at least five sentences). Make sure to answer the specific questions for each paragraph. Be thorough. Be honest.

Paragraph 1: What limits do your parents/guardians put on your freedoms? Which rule do you dislike the most? Why?

Paragraph 2: Why do your parents put these limits on you? Everyone has to follow rules in life (at school, at work, state/federal laws); why were these rules created? What would life be like if these rules did not exist?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Character Poem Template

Directions: Create a character poem for one character from The Outsiders. Follow the template below to create your poem. Words that are in quotation marks should be written within the poem. There is an example of a character poem below.

Line 1:             Write the character’s first name
Line 2:             Write four personality traits that describe the character
Line 3:             Write “Relative (or Friend) of _________________” (fill in the blank)
Line 4:             “Fan of ______________” (fill in the blank: a person, object or ideal)
Line 5:             “Who feels ______________” (list two items)
Line 6:             “Who needs ______________” (list two items)
Line 7:             “Who fears ______________” (list two items)
Line 8:             “Who gives ______________” (list two items)
Line 9:             “Who would like to see ______________” (list two items)
Line 10:           “Resident of ___________” (fill in the blank for where he/she lives)
Line 11:           Write the character’s last name

Aloof, Leader, Unfriendly, Snob
Boyfriend of Cherry
Fan of jumping Greasers
Who feels lost and lonely in a world without boundaries
Who needs discipline and life lessons
Who fears he might lose Cherry and his popularity
Who gives orders for unwanted haircuts and baths
Who would like to see a world without those greasy rats
Resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Outsiders: Vocabulary Squares II

Vocabulary for The Outsiders
Directions: Write the word, definition, original sentence, picture, and synonyms and antonyms

1.)          Implore-v. to beg for pity or mercy
2.)          Sullen-adj. gloomy or dismal
3.)          Elude- v. to avoid or escape through speed
4.)          Siege- v. the act of surrounding an enemy and depriving it of resources (no syn./ant.)
5.)          Indignant- adj. characterized by strong displeasure
6.)          Premonition- n. a warning anxiousness over a future event (no syn./ant.)
7.)          Hysteric- n. a fit of uncontrollable laughter, weeping, or both

8.)          Aghast- adj. struck with overwhelming shock or amazement

Friday, September 11, 2015

Sept. 11 Writing Activity

Narrative Response: Put yourself in the place of someone who was in New York City or Washington, D.C., on the morning of September 11, 2001. You can write your narrative as a journal entry or as an essay. This can be from the point-of-view of any person that could have been there on that morning. You can write this as if the events have just happened or like it was in the past.  
Your response should be at least three paragraphs. It can, of course, be longer. Take your time with this assignment. Do not make careless errors.

Persuasive Response: Put yourself in the place of a lawmaker at the time of the attacks of 9/11. After the events that have unfolded, write a speech that you will have to give to the public. In this speech, you need to convince the public why it is in the best interest of the nation to either go to war with Afghanistan or why we should not go to war. Set this up like it is a speech; use first-person pronouns and write as if you are speaking to a person.

Your response should be at least three paragraphs. It can, of course, be longer. Take your time with this assignment. Do not make careless errors!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ch. 4 and 5 Discussion Questions

The Outsiders: Chapters 4 and 5 Discussion Questions

Directions: On your own sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Your answers should be complete sentences. If a question has multiple parts, answer all parts of the question.


Chapter 4

1.      What did the Socs do to make Johnny kill Bob?

2.      Why did Sodapop and Darry not want Ponyboy to ever go to Buck Merrill’s?

3.      What does Dally give Ponyboy and Johnny to take with them to Windrixville?

4.      How long do you believe the boys will be able to hide out at the church? Predict what obstacles and hardships they might face.

5.      Suppose Johnny has been arrested for murdering Bob. Take on the role of one of the lawyers. Either you can defend or prosecute Johnny (try to send him to jail). Write a paragraph of your argument for why Johnny should or should not be punished for Bob’s murder.

Chapter 5

1.      On page 69, Ponyboy states “[w]hen you haven’t got anything to do, you remember things in spite of yourself.” He then describes what he remembers and what he imagines could happen. What does the phrase “in spite of yourself” mean? What does Ponyboy imagine is going to happen to him and Johnny?

2.      Why is Ponyboy’s hair so important to him? How is cutting Curly Shepard or Tim’s hair a punishment to them when they go to jail or a detention center?

3.      What book does Ponyboy read to Johnny to entertain them? Who does Johnny say is like the men in the book? What example does he give that shows they are similar? Why does Ponyboy disagree with Johnny?

4.      Who does Ponyboy say is the Greaser he likes the least? Why does he like him the least?

5.      What is the meaning of the poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”?

6.      When Dally comes to the abandoned church, he brings Ponyboy a letter from Sodapop. Describe the contents of this letter.

7.      Which Soc has been working as a spy for the Greasers? Write down a few reasons why this is surprising.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Outsiders Vocabulary

Vocabulary for The Outsiders
Directions: Write the word, definition, original sentence, picture, and synonyms and antonyms

1.)     Incredulous- adj. showing disbelief
2.)     Aloofness- noun the state of being cold, disinterested, or uncaring (adj.-aloof)
3.)     Smoldering-adj./ verb to display bottled-up feelings of anger
4.)     Contemptuous- adj. showing disdain (disgust, hatred)
5.)     Nonchalantly- adv. Done in an uncaring way
6.)     Unceasingly- adv. done without a perceivable end
7.)     Rueful- adj. causing sorrow or pity

8.)     Gallant- adj. brave, noble, chivalrous

Tuff Time Journal Entry #2

“Tuff Time” Journal Entry #2

Directions: Journal about the prompt below. Make sure to write at least two paragraphs. Be honest. Take your time. Put this with your other Tuff Time Journal Entry, not your bell-ringers.

Prompt: Cherry said that the major difference between the Socials and the Greaser are how they feel emotions differently. The Socials are aloof and try hard not to show any emotion; the Greasers are too passionate and show too much emotion.
Paragraph 1: Do you show too much emotion or do you work hard to hide all of it? Could you be in the middle?
Paragraph 2: Is it better to show too much emotion or hide it? Choose one. Explain.