Monday, March 30, 2015

Bell-ringer and Smarter Balance

Bell-ringer: Write the sentences and define the underlined words using prior knowledge and context clues.
1. George's olfactory was damaged after smelling the noxious chemicals.
2. Though Olly thinks he is omniscient, there is quite a lot that he does not know.
3. Though today's assignment seems simple, it is actually onerous.
4. The opulent family took trips around the world and owned a fleet of Ferraris.
5. Because of my fatigue, I fell asleep during the long oration from the boring speaker.

Smarter Balance Test Practice--Must be on Chrome to work!
1. Click on the Smarter Balance link=> click here.
2. Click sign-in.
3. Select Grade 8
4. Click on the ELA Grades 6-8 Training Test (top right)
5. Scroll to the bottom and click sign-in
6. Scroll to the bottom and click "Yes, start my test"
7. Click on the sound icon (the sound does not work; because of this, guess for #4)
8. Click "yes."
9. Begin test. Read EVERYTHING.
11. If you finish this practice test, then work on the performance task assessment.

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