Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bell-ringer and Google Doc Activity

Create an original sentence for each word from yesterday's bell-ringer. Your sentences should be at least ten words long. Make your sentences descriptive and interesting. If you did not figure out the definition of the word yesterday, then use an online dictionary.

1. To determine and summarize the most important information from text
2. To conduct a short research project
3.To gain knowledge to make informed decisions when faced with conflict  

Non-Jewish Victims Chart
Directions: Each class has been divided into multiple groups. Each group will be working together to create a chart on google documents. Click on the link beside your name and fill in the chart using the informative websites that have been provided. The chart will be updated in real-time, so you will be able to see as your team mates add to the chart.  Each document has a section that allows group members to chat with one another. Mr. Spivy will be monitoring these documents, too.

Roma and Sinti--click here
Jehovah's Witnesses--click here
Physically and Mentally Handicapped--click here
Poles--click here
Homosexuals--click here
Soviet POWS--click here

Group 1-Barre, Bennett, Burrows, Carpenter click here
Group 2- Cottrill, Gillis, Greenleaf, Leonard click here
Group 3- Lockhart, Lowers, Malone, McGee click here
Group 4- McMullen, Morris, Norman, Nutter click here
Group 5- Peters, Shepherd, Simmons, Stanley click here
Group 6- Stewart, Velten, Walcutt, White, Worthington click here

Group 1- Brown, Burrows, Carmichael, Carson click here
Group 2- Chesar, Clemente, Crowson, Dent, Melrose click here
Group 3- Ferrell, Hensley, Hernandez, Hess click here
Group 4- Hickman, Hill, Jarvis, Jarrell, Martin click here
Group 5- Mitchell, Parker, Perkins, Shank click here
Group 6- Shuman, Simmons, Smith, Stephens click here

Group 1- Adebulu, Baker, Braniff, Bulnes, Clark click here
Group 2- Derenberger, Ellis, Fallon, Fullerton click here
Group 3- Gordon, Haga, Hayes, Kennedy click here
Group 4- Lang, Lemon, Martin, McCoy click here
Group 5- Melrose, Mills, Newland, Rosenbohm click here
Group 6- Sandmeier, Scott, Sparaco, Stiffler, Sturms click here
Group 7- Swearingen, Wilcox, Wright, Wright, Yoho click here

Group 1- Anthony, Clemente, Conley, Fields click here
Group 2- Gatrell, Holbert, Holbert, Hughart click here
Group 3- Hutchinson, Johnson, Keefe, Lambert click here
Group 4- Olrogg, Prim, Primm, Randolph click here
Group 5- Sams, Shedd, Smith, Smith click here
Group 6- Sprouse, Vandergrift, Vaughn, Watson, West click here

Group 1- Bell, Barker, Barker, Burleson click here
Group 2- Cooper, Dailey, Eddleblute, Feick click here
Group 3- Fields, George, Gorrell, Grygiel click here
Group 4- Hawkins, McMullen, Moore, Moore, Shamblin click here
Group 5- Vincent, Walcutt, Wilson, Chevront click here

When the whole chart is completed, you may begin tomorrow's activity below. 
 Hitler and Himmler Web Quest--follow the directions found in the link. Click here

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