Monday, February 25, 2013

Bell-riner and instructions

 February 25, 2013                                                                                              Mr. Spivy
 Directions: Write the following and sentences and then define the underlined words using context clues and prior knowledge.
1.      The fallen trees hindered our journey to the beach.
2.      Horace, the criminal mastermind, hoodwinked the cops using a creative story and disguise.
3.      Because of all of the pollen in the air, my eyes are extremely hydrous today.
4.      My teacher is hypercritical and can find fault in anything.
5.      My sister is so comfortable in the water that she has been called ichthyic

 Agenda 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th 
 WV Writes

 Agenda Block
 Grammar Exercises click here and here
 WV Writes

 WV Writes Instructions:
 Input your essay for the advice essay into "Essay Check." You must have a pre-write and a four-square completed before you begin writing. You do not have to write a rough draft. The essay must be inputted by Monday, March 4. 5 paragraphs/ 500 words.

Imagine that you could give advice to someone—it could be someone you know personally, a historical figure, or a famous person living today. Write an essay that identifies the person and the advice you would give. Choose a familiar subject so that you can provide details and elaboration that explain why this person needs your advice.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bell-ringer and Agenda

Good morning! I apologize for not being there this morning. This figurative language will describe how I am feeling:  My head feels like a clown car with twelve too many creepy clowns stuffed in it. Simile or metaphor?

Regardless of who the sub is, you have work to get done, so do not spend time fooling around today. By the end of the day, you will need to have submitted your narrative essay into WV Writes. Make sure when you have submitted it for the last time, you click finish. I will know who has submitted the essay and who has not at the end of the day. Technology allows me to check that at home. I will take note of who did not finish--there will be no late grades.

1.) Bell-ringer: If you knew this was your last day to be in Parkersburg ever, what would you do? Describe this day with great detail in a paragraph no shorter than five sentences.

2.) When you are done with the bell-ringer, finish your four-square, rough draft, and type your final draft into WV Writes.

3.) You substitute should be passing out a checklist to each student. If he/she does not, it is in the top right-hand drawer of my desk (make sure you have this; it is a grade). You need to switch computers with someone close by and have him/her read your essay and you read his/hers. Fill out the checklist on the other person's essay. Make suggestions to improve the narrative.

4.) When you are finished with the narrative essay and you have a holistic score of at least 4, then you may click finish after it is scored.

5.) When you are completely finished and have submitted your essay, you may work on any other school related assignment.

I will be collecting your pre-write, organization, rough draft, and checklist on Tuesday (no school Monday). Do not lose these items as they will be graded--there will be no late grades.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bell-ringer and Agenda 2/14

Bell-ringer: Write a Valentine for an inanimate (not living) object. Make it at least four lines. You could even make a poem for instance.

For example: 
Dear iPhone, without you I would be able to spell nothing. You have been thrown down too many times, and yet you still stay with me. Thank you for being reliable 72% of the time. You light up my world with your Flashlight App. Love, Mr. Spivy

Agenda 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th
Finish 4-square and rough draft
Write your draft into WV Writes (you can write it into Word first and then copy and paste it into WV Writes)

Reminder: your essay needs to be at least five paragraphs and at least 500 words. It would be extremely easy to write more than that.
To start a new paragraph and WV Writes, hit enter twice. Also, do not indent a new paragraph.

Include dialogue in your story (it is interesting and brings up your score!). Look over the rule here, first.  

Agenda Block
Silent sustained reading
Finish 4-square and rough draft
Write your draft into WV Writes ( you can write it into Word first and then copy and past it into WV Writes)