Thursday, May 11, 2017

ELA-Bell-ringer and Instructions

Good morning/afternoon. If you are not in any of my English classes, quit reading this post and find the post that is for your class.

Bell-ringer: Write the quote and answer the questions that follow.

"My favorite things in life don't cost money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we have is time."--Steve Jobs

1. Think about what your favorite things in life are--do they cost money?
2. How do you spend your time? Is it wisely?


One of the largest parts of poetry is figurative language. Follow the directions below to show that you understand different types of figurative language. This work should be on your own sheet of paper.

1. Define metaphor.
2. Write down three examples from literature of metaphors. Write down where this metaphor is located, too. (For instance, in To Kill a Mockingbird or The Great Gatsby).
3. Create two original metaphors.
4. Define simile.
5. Write down three examples from literature of similes. Write down where this simile is located, too. (For instance, in To Kill a Mockingbird or The Great Gatsby).
6. Create two original similes.
7. Define personification.
8. Write down three examples of personification from literature. Write down where each personification is located, too.
9. Create two original personifications.

Once you have completed that, begin working on your poetry project. If you have not been here all week and do not know what the poetry project is, then ask a friend to explain it to you and start coming to school.

Analysis charts are located on the front desk if you need them. If there are none left by the end of the day, then use the one from yesterday and copy down the important parts onto your own sheet of paper. Be resourceful.

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