Thursday, January 12, 2017

ELA-January 12, 2017

Six million Jewish people were murdered during the genocide in Europe in the years leading up to 1945, and the Jews are rightly remembered as the group that Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party most savagely persecuted during the Holocaust.
But the Nazis targeted many other groups: for their race, beliefs or what they did.
Historians estimate the total number of deaths to be 11 million, with the victims encompassing gay people, priests, gypsies, people with mental or physical disabilities, communists, trade unionists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Poles and other Slavic peoples, and resistance fighters.
Directions: Choose three groups from the provided list below and answer the questions for each of the groups that you select. Write down your resources beside each answer. Wikipedia, yahoo answers, and any site of that nature are not permissible. is a helpful source. 
Non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust: gay people, priests, gypsies (Roma and Sinti people), the mentally and/or physically disabled, communists,  trade unionists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, and resistance fighters. 
Questions to answer:
1. Who were these people? Give a definition found from a resource. It should not be derogatory. 
2. Why were they targeted by the the Nazis?
3. What forms of persecution were used against them? These might include concentration/death camps, death marches, sterilization, etc...
4. When did the Nazis begin targeting this group?
5. How many were killed? 

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